
What Do You think of Chris Harris' release from the WWE?

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What Do You think of Chris Harris' release from the WWE?




  1. Im not too sad about it

  2. I am glad he was out of shape, got a dead reaction from the crowd, and had a stupid ring name. He needs to make amends with TNA and return as the Wildcat after he spends time in the gym...

  3. there best work yet

  4. don't really care but braden walker got let go 2 and im mad about dat

  5. he only went on wwe live tv once so i'm not really bothered don't even know the guy.

  6. not surprised.  vince hates any star not of his own making.  wwe buried monty brown.  i suspect it will bury ron killings next.

  7. who exactly is he???

  8. Whos Chris Harris?

  9. i thought he would be big i thought he was a good wrestler vince dosent know a good wrestler when he sees  one . but the reason they released him was that he  did not get over with fans because they remembered his attitude in tna so he did not get over good with the fans. if they brought him in as a heel he would still have a job .  i think wwe should have kept him though.

  10. he sure didnt stay long

  11. not bothered...

    your asking this NOW?

  12. i dont care but 2 points r fine with me

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