
What Do You think of the Current Wintec 500 Saddle with CHAIR and easy change gullet sytem?

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Hi all, I just wanted your thoughts on the Wintect 500 All purpose saddle the Curent one =] and is it good on your horses backs ?? I have a 23 year old mare who I want to use a good saddle on . any thoughts ??




  1. I love the saddle.  I just sold mine - but regret selling it.  It was amazingly comfortable.  Also, everyone thought that I had a bates - I had to lift my leg up and show them the little emblem to prove that it was a wintec!

    My only problem with the saddle is that because of the CAIR system - your saddle is basically filled with air.  You can't get the saddle tight until you get your butt in the saddle and deflate it.  So, to get on can be difficult - pretty much need a leg up or a stool the first time mounting each time.  Then once you're one you can tighten it accordingly.

    I could tell that my horse felt a lot freer to move.  He was a spectacular trotter and he was much happier to extend his trot with the saddle.  You could tell that he just felt good!  Great saddle - especially for the price!

  2. No matter what saddle you use, use lots of padding on an older horse.  Their body has changed thru the years and they need all the help they can get.  I have a 30 yr old gelding and I bed him down in 3 ft of shavings because he is arthritic.

  3. I like it.  I have used one of these and find it both very comfy and easy on my horse.  Hope this helps!

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