
What Do african tribes wear during special occasions?

by  |  earlier

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  1. They used to wear a leopard skin across the shoulder, leather shield and traditional weapons in hand,  some sort of leggings for the dancers, bare feet or sandals.

    Truly now days they wear dark glasses and be certain to have a visible fancy ball point pen clipped in their upper pocket.  FACT

  2. Usually black suits, white shirts and ties, like everyone else.  Oh, and well polished shoes and clean socks, ha, ha.

  3. In lieu with "culturally" inclined celebrations eg A cultural wedding. A bride will wear traditional gear known to their tribe... like the Tswana who wear a specifically designed cloth called the "Seshoe shoe" pronounced "shwe shwe"... They are normally in blue, red and brown and each colour represents a different stage of a womans life... child(virgin), married woman, mother etc... men dress in animal skin covering essential parts and a head piece, only an elder man can cover his shoulders and wear a more decorated head piece something like a crown. Weddings are mostly where this happens or when a young girl has reached puberty and starts her monthly period, to celebrate her entry into womanhood. They arent practiced that much any more and maybe occure once in a blue moon in specific rural areas and not all the time. They have begun to take on more of the western culture but its still nice to see the beautiful stuff they wear...

    See link:

  4. Bling,plenty bling.And wigs.The women love wigs cos they have no hair.They have Velcro tops.

  5. Well in my Zulu depends on ur age and s*x..All men wear "Bheshus" and married women wear "Izidwaba" which are leather skirts and huge round hats called izicholo..zulu maiden girls wear "izigege" which are short frilly skirts..all women wear colourful beads because the Zulu tribe is one that is very colourful!

  6. Well most of the women used to wear nothing at the top, gravity took its toll and now they wear sometimes something.

  7. Well I'm having a special occasion on Sunday. And I Will probably wear something from my closet.

    Probably my jeans and a nice Polo shirt. If it's cold , I will take a jacket with. Oh yes.. I have to wear shoes.. You can't drive to a special occasion without shoes.. LOL.......

    From your question.. I take it you have never met an African living in Africa.

  8. They call it ''clothes'' and they buy it from a wide selections of what we call ''shops'' and ''malls'' !

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