
What Do think About the Gray goo Theory of nanoscience?

by Guest61214  |  earlier

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What Do think About the Gray goo Theory of nanoscience?




  1. For two points I should look this up?

    I think I'll go make coffee.

  2. I think it impossible. it`s just something inspirations

    peoples had before rearized to the world and

    that always has lit bit goes diffalent form of way

    from first inspirations.

    and if this story are gone true,it must be with magnet,and the system.

    if can be each magnet of higher cell system and the higher system remenber and effect to some material of body,

    from mastre brain for chenge form, it can be tarminaters.

    magnetic cells and which a  some system but

    it must be not be true story.

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