
What Do you Think of Friends with Benefits?

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A) It is a great idea, everyone wins.

B) I think it is just an excuse for guys to have their cake and eat it too.

C) Not a good idea, someone will always end up falling for the other person, although it may start out good will always end up bad.

D)It is a stupid idea from the beginning, it cheapens true friendship and it cheapens s*x. Either you want to be with a woman or you don't period.




  1. a) It's a great idea, as long as the boundaries are perfectly clear and the "friends" have no romantic interest in each other whatsoever.

  2. C - everytime I try to do it, the guy ends up wanting more - so I'm in the 'it's a nice idea, but it doesn't really work' camp (for me anyway)  :-)

  3. Bloody great fun at first, but always ends up bad.

  4. Given your choices, my answer is A...

    The success of this notion, however, is determined entirely by the maturity of the friendship and the people involved.  I don't take a completely casual approach to s*x, but as a mature adult, I also don't see it as a taboo, or something to be kept under wraps.  

    Sadly, this notion has been highly publicized and glorified and, now, very young and far too immature people are engaging in the practice...and it just doesn't work - resulting in B, C and D.

  5. c

  6. F F F F you figure it out lol

  7. d

  8. You say you wouldn't want to be a girl who has casual s*x? What about a guy who has s*x all the time with many different girls?

    I dislike it that I live in a society where if a guy has many casual "s*x buddies," he's regarded as a "man's man," a "stud," a "real guy," or whatever. You may think it's not true, but it is.

    Wheras, apply the same scenario to a GIRL, she's called a s**t, a w***e, a s***k, and all those stigma-associated names.

    So, basically I would pick D. s*x could be a beautiful thing if people would not take advantage of it all the time. It's horrible.

  9. If C doesn't happen (which it usually does) then I vote for A.

    And to Super Ruper up there: Since when was there anything mature about FWB? FWB pretty much shows you can't control yourself and all you're out to do is satisfy the nether regions, kinda sounds like a teenager to me.

  10. C)

    because a friend I knew got her knocked up and they really were not in the position to be raising a child. financial, school, family, etccc..... it was h**l.

  11. I have to comment on b) guys arent the only ones getting there cake and eating it to.

    I used to think it was a) when I was younger, now I'm more for d)

    My how my opinions have changed from when I was a kid.


    "Can I add, any women willing to sleep with an actual friend under the guise of "friends with benefits" is really an "Idiot-who-gives-up-the goodifits."

    What do you call the men who are willing to sleep with an actual friend???

  12. B (not just guys, though, people in general)

    & D

    I would also add:

    E. A total waste of time. Why not spend the energy on someone you are truly interested in instead?

  13. None of the above.

    I simply don't believe in casual s*x.

  14. Any of those could apply, depending on the situation, but personally I wouldn't want to do that, so D.

  15. To start a FWB relationship with an already good friend is damaging, such as being best friends with someone for 2 years and then all of a sudden saying "Let's have s*x now."  There are few true friends in this world. Don't ruin it.

    If you just meet someone  and you have NSA s*x before you become 'friends," it might work out better.....Most people I know usually have FWB situations with their exes.  

    From my experience, one person falls for the other and gets jealous if the other person wants to have a different FWB and terminate the relationship.

  16. FWB is an arrangement which men have sought for decades, but only recently have women been seeking it in greater numbers.  It should be no surprise then that the female marketing machine placed a cute term like FWB onto it to legitimize it.

    BTW, this is also the same crowd that came up with "serial monogamy - which, until women started dumping their mates in almost pathological fashion, was referred to as "womanizing" or "abandonment"

  17. It is degrading for both parties.  What are the benefits? Another kid that nobody cares for? Another abortion?

    It hurts women in that they loose track of what love is and I would have nothing to do with a girl that had been in a relationship like this. What about illness and STDs?

    Evey thing you state is true and correct.  The only exception is when you have two sociopaths. They have no way of feeling love, shame, or remorse.  But the rest of do!

  18. A if done right.

    I did not know of the "Friends" aspect of 'Friends with Benefits'  really existed. I thought it was just slang for "f- - k-buddies".

    I don't think two real friends can actually get into a relationship like that.  If so, you are not really friends.  I always figured the term was a misnomer for two people who are not friends and just sleeping together.

    Can I add, any women willing to sleep with an actual friend under the guise of "friends with benefits" is really an "Idiot-who-gives-up-the goodifits."

  19. I am a fan of this kind of relationship.

    A) it is a great idea and everyone wins

    B) this is a good way for a woman also to have her cake and eat it too. Not all woman out there are wanting men to marry them, they have other interests nowadays

    C) the key is to leave when you start feeling attached. End it NOW

    D)it can add to the friendship and does not cheapen s*x, in my view. Prostitution and p**n cheapens s*x. People's s*x drive is ready before the readiness to settle down.

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