
What Do you think of America Being The 1# Producer of global pullation?

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What Do you think of America Being The 1# Producer of global pullation?




  1. It's horrifying that we have 5% of the world's population, but we produce 25% of the world's CO2 emissions.  This is why the U.S. must lead the way in cutting CO2, and that starts with each one of us.

  2. Must be nice to hate the country you live in. Eastern Europe and South East China are far more dirty that America because we can afford to clean up after ourselves. Our cars have the most strict emissions output of any country in the world including western Europe.  I have been to Russia and their industry is extremely dirty as well as china.  Stop hating on America and get a new hobby please.

  3. That's because 89% of the energy consumption originates from fossil fuels.  Our energy companies also tend to fire up coal plants when electric demand increases.

    Our country burns a lot of miles using inefficent domestic vehicles. It's not a surprise.

  4. It's terrible. in some cases, the world would be better off without us.

  5. We're number one!  We're number one!  We're number one!  USA!!  USA!!!  Whooooooo!!!!!

  6. America is #2 now. China passed America to become #1 in 2006.

  7. I THINK IT SUCKS  but i think its very fixable and not quite the problem al gore would have you believe it is.

  8. im not surprised one bit we as americans are so wasteful and need to learn to be more eco-friendly

  9. i think it is just plain wrong we should not be killing our world by polluting our bottles, plastic items, wrappers, etc. and we are killing so many fish just for a sport or for food.did you know our country kills atleast 100 million sharks a year. i think it is just sick.

  10. I think we can change that so we come in third or forth, but still have growth. We are now followed very close by Indonesia. China and India are now adding to our pollution, their pollution is mixing with ours. We have to clean up this mess! We need government changes, new finance regulations and a pollution surcharge.

  11. It sucks... but per capita Australia beats you.... what do you think about that?

  12. I thought it was china.

  13. It disgusts me, it scares me, it worries me. I am very dissapointed that we cannot come together to fix this. If so it will probably be to late.

  14. It sucks. However, you have to put it in context. America is THE largest and most industrialized economy in the world, meaning its just natural that there will be a lot more cars and industrial pollution in the world. Also, a lot of the infrastructure was built before a time when the world woke up to the immediate effects of global pollution. Unfortunately, there was, and is,  no way to build a tier 1 capitalist economy without pollution. Take your pick.

    That said, we should be proud that we've finally woken up to our problem and are taking steps to alleviate it. Look at India and China- they know fully well in the face of all scientific evidence that global warming is real and they're still pumping away.

  15. This would work great in advertising...

    "Come to America where you can breathe in pollutants for FREE!"

  16. The Same As America Thinks About Life  . NOTHING.. OK..

  17. Are we #1 in production of things also, it goes hand in hand.

  18. I think China is gonna take over that top spot real soon...

  19. I didn't think we are the producer of global pollution aside from the vehicles, but we are the cause of pollution production in other countries hence the electric bill.

  20. I think we are numbro uno in everything including the lack of efficiency.

  21. first the US is NOT the 1# producer of global pollution.

    but for ALL types of pollution China  India. Russia and many other third world countries put out pollution at far higher rates.

    you have been got by the treehugger disinformation campaign.

    the tree huggers have been distorting the facts for years.

  22. It is disgusting. Something seriously has to be done. If the world does not start making changes there will be serious consequences to us, animals, the land, sea and sky.

  23. America is also the 1# producer of food, so deal with it

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