
What Does 'Going Green' Actually Mean?

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What Does 'Going Green' Actually Mean?




  1. being aware of what's happening in the environment,taking care of the environment.

  2. It means cutting back on things like water and gas so that companies can charge more for it because less is used. My lovely water bill has doubled because too many people were conserving water! I have went green because I hate paying bills but apparently so has many other people!!!

  3. it means to recycle, do good for the earth, taking care of plants and animals, the world

  4. Being environmentally conscious.  Eating organic foods, conserving energy, conserving water.  Being good to this great green earth.

  5. when you go green  means that you must wear all green clothes and green shoes and eat green food. thats all it is.

  6. Making life choices that are more environmentally and culturally sustainable.


  8. No need for me to answer, mr. joecool said it perfectly

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