
What Does 'Meh' Mean ?

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Because Everyone Keeps Saying It.

Some People Think It Means 'Me'

But It Doesn't, Does It ?




  1. you say it like you see it,


    it;s like hmm

    or blah

    it can also be used in a negative form

    how are you ?

    meh, wbu ?

    ^^^ see :D

    it's a sorta i dont know thing :)

  2. Basically it is just another form of 'yeah, whatever'. Just like "Psh' (I think I spelt that properly) It is pretty much pronounced the way it is spelt. I've seen it used a lot in IM and txts. I guess the english language is getting lazier, lol.  

  3. 'Meh' is an exclamation of indifference or not caring. It is pronounced "M-ai(r)".

    In a lazy internet speech, it also does mean "Me".  

  4. What language are you talking about? It means what in Cantonese.

  5. it kinda means blah, sort of like whatever. Its pronounced just like it looks. meh. I don't know if anyone uses it while actually talking in person, but I use it on the internet.  

  6. It means a few things. It's a lazy way of saying "me," as in "He went to the dance with meh." When typed "Meh!" and it means "What!?" or "That's not fair!" When typed "Meh." or "Meh..." it means "I give up."

    It's pronounced "meh," like in the beginning of the word "mechanic."

  7. meh means me in urdu

    but its another word for eh...or i dont care  

  8. You could use it for "me" or "my". I personally use it as "whatever", "ugh", or "eh". The tone is usually close to a "blah" use, or my family often uses it when they are reluctant/indifferent to talk about something. Since I live in the northern U.S., our pronunciation (I'm not sure if it's different or the same in other regions) is "Meh" - one syllable, with the "eh" sometimes sounding like "uh". I hope I was able to help!

  9. It means we are not bothered. Example.

    A: Did you like that song?

    B: Meh.
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