
What Does....?? *EASY, SIMPLE Points!!* =]?

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I got in the mail today how many credits I need to graduate from the board of education (my mom is starting to homeschool me this Fall, I'm going to be a freshman). And in the Science section it said I need 3 credits (I get that), but then it said below that, CATS 9 and two courses above the CATS 9 level. What does CATS stand for/mean? HELP!


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  1. The only CATS anything I ever knew about in regards to teching at home or in public schoold were referring to the California scholastic aptitude tests. It is like any other aptitude test that will give you a long test... one of those that takes half or all day long and tests you in every area needed: language skills, mathematics, spacial relations, science, clerical speed and accuracy skills... hmmm... well... you get the idea.  I think they are just telling you that you need to be above the level 9 of the cats measument scale of intellectual achievement... look up the CATS online... you can take them there I believe, although I haven't home-schooled in about 3 years or so. You are probably required to go to the school for this (free in my state) or your mom may be able to get the test online for a fee and administer it to you at home with someone who isn't related to you supervising. I missed a moment ago that you are a freshman... This is your 9th grade... Level 9 question... It is just a grade level.  No worries !!! Good luck !!!

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