
What Does Everyone Think About Michael Vaughan's Resignation

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can i just say it has been a privilege watching all the matches micheal has captained and i for one will be sad to se him go as england captain. he has done a good job and i will always remember that final ashes test at the oval and all those wonderful memories that i will never forget or with the team we have got know probably see again.

What does everyone else think and who should be next captain i think freddie flintoff should be any opinions




  1. Right man in the wrong place

  2. Dear Inanimo,

    In my opinion, there was not much of an alternative for him. This was also because he was having a loss of form. Hopefully, relieving the burden of captaincy will help him to perform better.

    Rehman of Multan

  3. It was very sad to see Michael Vaughan resign but it was obvious the pressure of leading England had took its toll. He is without doubt our greatest ever captain and lead us to the pinnacle of the game in 2005.

    I hope that without the captaincy, he can recapture the form that made him the best batsman in the world at one time.

  4. I think that it was a bit stupid him stepping down because England are a good side and they did play extremely well but it was just really unlucky that they had lost to South Africa.

  5. i think its time to take retirement for vaughn

    and as far as next captain is concerned it shuld not be flintoff,, as he is not a responsible guy

    i think strauss will b good option

  6. inamon2, this is the saddest day for English cricket, Vaughan has been the best English captain of our times.  Rather that Vaughan resigning (did he jump or was he pushed?), I think maybe a shake up of the English management and selectors would have been in order.  Where do they get their ideas from.  They select the same old players regardless if they are in form or not, select would be Aussie who know one has ever heard of the the present team never played with.

    No it shouldn't have been Vaughan, but the selectors, who is to take Vaughan's place?  Please don't let it be Pieterson.  Captains need respect from the team, and I doubt very much if Pieterson has earned that respect!!

  7. Well I really think Micheal Vaughan's resignation was one of the worst things that happened to England. Vaughan might have not been very successful captain during the SA and England series ,but he has been successful captain during many other series. For an example the test Series against NZ. Under his captaincy England won the series 2-0 in June and 2-1 in February. The point is that Vaughan should had stayed as the English test captain until the 2009 Ashes were over but he must have been very frustrated that his team lost the test series against South Africa. The next English test captain should be Andrew Strauss or Andrew Flintoff.


  8. I think Vaughan's resignation is rather premature.

    Yes his batting has been dismal but i am sure that he would have found form in the next test and in the county cricket. It was a matter of time......look at collingwood turn around it could have happened for vaughan.

    The guy is undoubtedly a ruthless and brilliant captain it was a joy to see him st up batsmen all over the  world.

    In my opinion he should have stayed on until the next ashes.

    But anyways good luck to him on his future.  

  9. he still has lot to offer as captain

  10. He went, like one that hath been stunn'd

    And is of sense forlorn

    A sadder and a wiser man

    He rose the morrow morn.

    (Samuel Taylor Coleridge, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner)

    Vaughan had been clinging on to past glories for far too long. It was time to step aside.

    Next England captain? Kevin Pietersen. He is the man to lead England forward.

  11. He will be best remembered as the captain who won the ashes and made the team become MBE lol!!..

    I will miss him

  12. I think he did the right thing & I think you will now see an improvement in his form.

    Oracle, I liked your bit of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, that has always been a favourite poem of mine, & in this instance, very fitting.

  13. A simple press release would have done.Why have a presentation.It's not as important as to merit such a stage show.Someone from outside the clique would be good,ie from county cricket as it's too much of a closed shop

  14. You could`nt help but feel sorry for him, in front of the cameras today.   I think it was the right decision though.   I agree Flintoff, but for completely different reasons to you.   In the past he has behaved very badly, making him captain would put a responsibility on him, and make him a more mature and responsible person.   I`ve seen the same thing happen when I was in the army, a perpetual troublemaker, so instead of punishing them, make them lance corporal.   They transform over night.

  15. i think a good move.

  16. Sure Vaughan has been a great captain for many years but lately and this has been increasingly obvious in the latest series is that he is Englands worst player, his numerous ducks and he hardly bowls anymore (I´m not suggesting that he is a bad bowler his glorious wickets of Tendulkar all those years ago were crucial) but of late he is useless. I am pleased to see that he has quit rather than being forced to resign.  

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