
What Does Flogging Molly mean?

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What Does Flogging Molly mean?




  1. Flogging Molly are an Irish group

  2. MamaJupe, I'm an American.  I have no idea.  Sounds English?  Probably has something to do with female's private practices?

  3. there took their name from the bar the started in.

  4. I've heard the word Flogging used in a couple different ways, it could be to beat with or as if with a rod or whip, or I heard people use it in reference to phacking.  Not sure which one it is, or if its something else who knows.

  5. They played in a pub in LA called Molly Malone's so often in their early years that their singer, Dave King, said it was "like flogging a dead horse".


    Go on youtube and check them out

    SALTY DOG IS AWESOME (one of their songs)

    Flogging means whipping.

    Great band. Bad name.

    But you can see why they picked it.

    It rolls off the tongue.

    I like the sound of it.

  7. They're an Irish band.

    = )

  8. Flogging can mean beating or throwing. I believe in America they pass themselves off as a Irish band, but we've never heard of them over here.

  9. Flogging Molly is an Irish and Irish-American band that hails from Los Angeles. They used to be the house band at a bar called Molly Malones in LA and got the nickname flogging molly as they were just flogging away gig after gig. And lo and behold, they made it. They are no Pogues (who are actually an English, Anglo-Irish band) but they're alright. The lead singer/songwriter is from Dublin, I think most of the rest are American with Irish heritage.

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