
What Does It Mean When Someone Says?

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brother and sister act like a married couple together?

Both are divorced, have kids, but the brother and sister are always together. And the brother interferes in his sister's life if there is a bf around, causing her to lose her bfs.




  1. if brothers and sisters are extremely close in age (not twins though) they can become best friends. me and my brother are one year apart and are best buds.

  2. I suppose  that it means  that you couldn't separate if there lives depend on it  

  3. This does not mean something is going on.

    He is just an overly protective brother. I know a few who are.

  4. It means that someone needs counseling.

  5. it's called codependent.  Both need counseling because although the sister seeks other men, she still allows the brother to interfere.  The brother is scared to lose his sister and probably has a lot of trust issues.  Being codep. can be worked on and bro and sis can have a really great relationship, and be able to find other counterparts!  It's not a horrible thing, many people are somewhat codep anyway..

  6. They were probably always close. It does not mean that they have s*x, but they probably share a lot of close time together regarding the children, finances, etc. They can relate to one another because they're both divorced. The brother is probably over protective and a c**k block if he scares off her boyfriends. I don't see a lot of harm in this situation, but the brother should really butt out, it's the sister's job to say something!

  7. He's either overprotective of her or they have a little something going on.

  8. Wow, that sounds like some Freudian complex they are having.  

  9. Sounds like they need help with their unnatural relationship.

  10. It is good that they are close and want to support each other.  It gets weird when the brother interferes with the bf.  He is doing that because he fears that his sister may not need him anymore after she finds someone to enjoy her life with other than him.  Sounds like the sister needs to step up and tell him that they will always be close and there for each other no matter if she has a bf or not.

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