
What Does It Mean??????????????

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I know this is a superstion but what does it mean

when your calender falls 3 times when it was nail to the wall

can some one tell me what this means

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  1. pay attention. Does it open to a particular month, stay on the current month, or does your eye wander in a particular direction? The cosmos are screamin' at ya baby!

  2. I don't know about a calender, but my cousin brought us a painting of a pyramid from Mexico. One day it fell off the wall. Later that day, my mom got a call from Mexico. My aunt had died. My cousin's mom. I don't know how close the two are related,but I thought I would share.

  3. It means bad luck is coming your way 3 days from now.

  4. i honestly think you have bad walls and will have the bad luck renovating which for most people will take 7 years

  5. I think that the calendar may have ripped. Who knows? I think that you should just forget about it, it's probably nothing.

  6. Based on others experience concerning this topic, it means that  something very special will present itself to you.  You need to either take advantage of it or just let it go.  It takes between 5 to 10 days for this event to occur. Your decision must be made within 30 min.    

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