
What Does It Mean to Be A Soldier and/or Warrior?

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What traits should a soldier and/or warrior have in your opinions?




  1. Interesting answers.

    Look at the code of Chivalry and the Japanese code of Bushido. They are quite similar, except for the deference to ladies that the European knights were expected to show.

    The warrior is trained from birth to fight. He is taught to be humble, because the entire reason he exists is to defend the tribe/King/Emperor/ nation. The warrior practices martial arts so much that he is able to anticipate the moves of his enemy before he makes them. A general code binding all warriors is honor. This concept differs somewhat from culture to culture, but a warrior who has lost his honor by not behaving in the way his peers expect him to behave is in a very shameful position.

    Soldiers are drafted, (or volunteers) who understand little in the way of honor. Up until the modern era soldiers had minimal training, had very limited access to health care after a battle, . The warrior and the soldier were both expected to sleep on the ground, eat lousy rations if need be, endure extremes of cold, heat and thirst, and to fight for a cause larger than their own individual lives.

    Lao Tzu said, "The worst iron is used  to make soldiers."

  2. bravery

  3. The ability to kill and destroy without questioning orders.

  4. To be a warrior is to be a person that acts to protect (defensively or offensively)  what they believe in (honor, society, leaders, religion, etc..)

    Courage  #1 thing right there


    Fit (In good Shape)

    Able to act on any moment/circumstance

    Conditioned (against heat, cold, pain)

    Inspiring (when you charge others should follow)

    At least in my opinion this a warrior.

    Edit:  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    In most cases warriors are of higher value than a soldier.  They are harder to come by, and they are much better trained, and armed.  A mercenary is an example of a warrior, though not a very good one.  A samurai as well a knight, are good examples.

    A soldier like many have already said, is poorly trained and equipped only enough to survive.  They are te basic fighters of an army, and are expendable.  They usually only fight because they have to.


    "There is no such thing as bad soldiers only bad leaders/officers."

  5. A soldier is a part of a unit of other soldiers. They act as the rest act. They can't exist independently, or that takes the whole point out of being part of an army. They are also working for a greater cause, as opposed to personal reasons (or individual reason)

    A Warrior is a fighter, who is for the most part independent of other's activities. They usually defend (unlike soldiers who can defend and offensively take action), for a certain cause. For the most part, they act in their own accord, choosing when to take action and when to remain docile. Not like a soldier, they can refuse battle.  

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