
What Does Jailbreaking Actually Do Differently To Your Ipod Touch ? Can You Get Free Games Or What ?

by Guest65179  |  earlier

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I Have An Ipod Touch. Should I Download Jailbreak If You THink So Can You Give Me A Link So I Can Do It, And Can You Tell Me What Jailbreak Actually Doess :S . Thankss :-)




  1. Jailbreaking The iPod Touch Adds Cool Features, Themes, Tweaks, Games, Applications, And More. You Could Change The Colors And Look Of Your iPod. For Example, My Keyboard Is Black And Blue.  You Could Jailbreak It At, But I Don't Reccomend Doing It Yourself. You Could Permanently Break Your iPod If You Mess Up.  

  2. Don't be afraid of jailbreaking your iPod touch it is incredibly easy I have done it numerous times.

    Jailbreaking means modifying the operating system so that the user has full read/write access to the disk.  Basically it means that you can install things that have not been approved/signed by apple.

    Yes you can get free games as well as being able to change the background and icons on the home screen.  It basically just lets you do lots more things than you can normally do.

    How you jailbreak depends on what software version you have.  If you go into Settings-->General-->About It should say Version(or similar).  The number should be something like 1.1.4 or 2.0.  If you post the software version number I can tell you how to jailbreak it

  3. Jailbreaking an iPod Touch lets you harness the complete ausomeness (LOL) of your ipod. you can make it look how you want and run how you want.

    you cannot brick you ipod by jailbreaking.

    if you want to jailbreak it there is a swift and easy guied and program at

    if you need any help just Email me

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