
What Does Mr. Obama mean SPECIFICALLY when he continually blurts out the word change?

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What Does Mr. Obama mean SPECIFICALLY when he continually blurts out the word change?




  1. ****** bumser

  2. If you listen to the what he says BEFORE and AFTER the word "change", you will have your answer.

  3. The changes that Obama is bringing to America are:

    1 Open borders

    2 Amnesty for illegal aliens

    3 Races taxes to Corporations

    4 Waste time with our known enemies.. thinking that he could 5 change their mind about the USA.

    6 More or less about Free trade, now that they are paying for his Presidential campaign.

    He is going to be one of the worse President that this country is going to have because what he call changes are not positive for the American people.

  4. Change his mind with every poll...

  5. Hopefully we will never have to find out.

  6. Specifically, he means a change from Bush, and how things are done in Washington.

  7. it means he wants us to learn spanish

  8. He means that America can't afford another a****** president like George Bush.

  9. He's a democrat. That's what they do, change.

  10. nothing, it is just a pitch word to get people excited, like advertising.  He means nothing by it really.  Because he has never really explained it.  Change is good, blah.blah blah, just don't ask specifics.

  11. He means don't vote for McBush.

  12. He doesn't even know becaues he has changed his opinion on majority of the issues. He has changed his opinion on special interests by gathering union contributions after he said he would not. He has changed on public financing after his first decision in September. He has changed on the Cuba embargo, which his stance changed recently from what it was back in August of last year. He has changed on his stance of illegal immigration, previously saying that we shouldn't crack down on businesses who are hiring illegal immigrants, now he says we should crack down on them. He said Iran, Cuba, and Argentina are all small countries and not a threat, now they are a grave threat. This is the change he is talking about...HIS change. He is moving from the far left to the center to try to win over the American people so he can just go back to pushing his agenda if he wins the general election (God forbid).

    Beyond this, he wants to raise taxes by getting rid of the Bush tax cuts. He wants to cut funding on national security such as missile defense and down size our military. He wants to provide health care to everyone and start programs by taxing the people and redistributing the wealth.

  13. He means "to cause to be different." Duhhh.

  14. hes trying to dig our country out of the pile of c**p that bush is leaving us in.

  15. It means I'm AL Gore, now I'm Bill Clinton, now I'm Hillary, now I'm oops, "teleprompter guys, c'mon, who am I now?????

  16. It means the following

    1. C   - Corruption

    2. H - Honeys.

    3 A - Arseholes everywhere

    4. N - Nookie

    5. G - Girls

    6. E - Ego

    Thats it, take the above, and thats what he means by change, if you dont believve me, check out youtube..

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