
What Does The Saying "Stupid Is As Stupid Does" Mean?

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What Does The Saying "Stupid Is As Stupid Does" Mean?




  1. Im not exactly sure,

    but if I can recall its from the movie "Forrest Gump" darling.

  2. People who do stupid things are stupid not because they are unlearned but because of the actions they take. Thus stupid is as stupid does doesn't refer to someones intelligence level but instead refers to their ability to use their intelligence. If you can't use your intelligence (common senses) all of your intelligence is worthless, or if you do stupid things then you are as stupid as your lack of common senses in avoiding stupid activities proves you to be.

  3. It means that stupid people are defined by their actions. Basically, the more stupid your action, the more stupid you are (and the more likely it is that you'll do something stupid in the future).

  4. If you're a smart person & do stupid things, you're still a stupid person.

    You are what you do.

  5. By your actions you are judged.

  6. Everyone has a stupid moment in their lives. You learn by your mistakes.

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