
What Does The Wrestling Chant You Sold Out Mean?

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Well lol?




  1. I've always wanted no about that too but I think it means that the wrestler turned his back on the company or the people.


  3. It means "You sacrificed the things that made you what you are today, the very things you believe in, and all the things you love the MOST....for more $$$" - That's why you see rappers get accused of being "sell-outs" alot.  They supposedly "sell out" when they do a CD which is considered to be "mainstream".  Wrestlers usually get accused of "selling out" when they leave the business for a more lucrative career.  IMO, The Rock is NOT a sell-out, because he didn't give up what made him; HE made himself, the WWE did NOT "make" The Rock.  No way.

  4. basically means you screwed the company your working for over to go somewhere else.  

  5. You've turned your back on the company that made you by joining something else e.g. Brock Lesnar, Raven in ECW. The fans found out and chanted 'You Sold Out'

  6. This chant really got going in the old ECW, whenever a wrestler was about to leave ECW for WWE or in most cases WCW the fans would express there displeasure by directing the chant at them...

    Of course this has spread beyond a talent going to another wrestling promotion..

  7. ask the rock....there's the hint

  8. "You sold out! You sold out!"

    It's a chant I will forever associate with Wrestlemania 20. Throughout all of my columns, I try to stay positive. Even if I dislike what the WWE product is doing, I always say that I will continue to watch because it has the potential to get better. The WWE has the best roster it's ever had. I have thought that there's nothing that could ever make me stop watching wrestling, even if it does get to the point where I'm only watching out of habit. Last Sunday, as I sat by myself watching Wrestlemania, for the first time since I started watching wrestling, I doubted my commitment. I started seriously considering that I don't want to watch wrestling anymore. As I sat there watching, it didn't even feel like Wrestlemania. I realized that most of the feuds and matches were hardly the stuff that most Wrestlemanias are made of. Furthermore, every single match until the main event had something terribly wrong with it. In fact, if it weren't for the main event, right now you would being reading my latest column, entitled "I hate wrestling." I am very serious about that. Even though I was ecstatic that Benoit became champion, the WWE is in serious, serious trouble right now.

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