
What Does he Mean By That??

by Guest66964  |  earlier

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Okay I was talking to one of my friends that I met at a Back to School Jam and He said to me on msn --> Do Yuh Run Brainzz???

and I said No Then I said why?? den he said cause one of my boiizz at the jam said yuh run the Brainz..and I said wtf! cause I didnt get it wat does Brains Mean!!!???




  1. He was being slick and asking do you give cranium.

  2. I'm not up to speed on all of the slang thats going around, but I'm pretty sure he is referring that you give oral s*x?

  3. lol no clue  

  4. He was asking if you 'give head' you know...oral s*'s a loser. Don't talk to him anymore girlie.  

  5. Brainz means give oral s*x. Tell this guy to shove off. It is a new way of naming it. It used to be giving "head" when i was in high school. SCUMBAG!!!!

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