
What Does it Take to Speak Publicly?

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What Does it Take to Speak Publicly?




  1. Knowledge and lots of courage.

  2. A whole lot of courage.

  3. Basically, knowledge and confidence in that knowledge.

    As Mr. Dylan put it, 'You must know your song well before you can sing it"

  4. That, John is a question which is near and dear to me!

    As a youngster I had a speech impediment. I was reluctant to do much more than say yes or no. When I went off to high school, a childhood friend (we had known each other since the third grade) suggested that I might get some help  by joining the oratorical society and the debating team. It was that experience which helped me to overcome the speech difficulty.

    But, here is the rub. In the course of high school I was extremly successful in both catagories. State and National championships in debate and oratory. Not once, although I spoke hundreds of times in those years, did I manage to control my knees knocking and my hands trembling. Today, nearly fifty years later, I still get dry mouth, knocking knees and trembling fingers whenever faced with the prospect of public speaking. It is only because I know HOW to do it, that I am able to overcome my fears and get on with it. No one is aware that I am nervous as I can be, they think I'm a competent and capable public speaker. What do they know?!

    The trick, John, is a learning a method or technique for speaking in public. If you are able to understand what constitutes good public speaking, you can practice the techniques, and do what is necessary. You may, like me, be nervous to the point of nausea, but no one except you will know it if you employ the methods you learned.

    One inside tip: be sure to wear pants which have room in the legs; they conceal your shaking knees.

  5. being able to relax and think clearly, and a voice

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