
What EXACTLY, is the speed of Dark?

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What EXACTLY, is the speed of Dark?




  1. Since the speed of *light* is as fast as a photon travels (186,282.4 MPS), then, whatever's *behind* the photon (dark) must be traveling at the same speed.  

  2. Well, logically if you think about it, it's the speed of light. Dark is only allowed to happen when light leaves so if light leaves at the speed of light, dark comes at the speed of light because light moves that fast. Get it? It's probably confusing to read :P


  3. I've only heard of the speed of light!

  4. You need a lesson in English usage.

    Light and dark are adjectives - so in that respect, speed is nonsensical.

    Light as an object (a noun) has a speed.  Dark is not an object, and therefore "speed of dark" is about as stupid as "the speed of beautiful" or the "speed of tall".

    People who ask this question are obviously trying to be clever, but in fact make fools of themselves.  

  5. haha. haha. ha. no.

  6. dark doesnt have a speed

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