
What EXACTLY do some people mean by the "Universe"?

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And I'm not talking about the stars & planets etc. Are they talking about the angels...spirits...saints...or what? "Send it out into the 'universe'"...for what? Stars etc. can't answer. I'm serious. "At one with the 'universe'"...what does it mean? they make a book about "Paranormal for Dummies"? I need it.




  1. The universe is the space that contains all matter.  We are on Earth, which is one of eight planets in our solar system, which is one of many billions of solar systems in our galaxy, which in one of billions of galaxies in the universe.

    That's the natural explanation.  The word universe can also be used figuratively in reference to an entire body of whatever it is that's being referred to (i.e. In the universe of TV chefs, Anthony Bourdain is my favorite.)

  2. hi denie...i talk of the universe in means of praying to angels, god, and specially mary...i send my thoughts out into the universe...i suppose instead of saying heaven, i say universe.......denie i have a deep connection with love to write about it one day, with what ive seen and the messages ive recieved off them, that turned out to be true, the guidance ive had from them...when i started to research angels, i had read about angel oracle cards..bit like (tarot cards)...anyway i never spoke to anyone about it, the cards or angels ( i prefer to write in my journal than talk to people ).....a couple of months later my step father while out shopping said he didnt know what they were but they stood out to him and he had a feeling to buy them and give them to me....something he has never done...anyway he came home and handed me a box, he told me he had no idea what it was...i opened it up and to my biggest surprise it was the angel oracle cards...i bonded with them straight away.....anyway thats another grandparents were catholic, and i was raised by them, so i am catholic, but never go to church or anything ( only as a child id go to church )...anyway i dont know what it is but i feel a strong connection with mary, maybe from my child hood, i lived in italy for a few years, and at night id go around lighting candles in the small shrines that are built in the walls, they all had a statue of mary in them...i really dont know who god is, and if i pray which is not very often, but i can put a face to mary...something really odd happened last year, could of been a coincidence, but i felt it family and friends spun out when i came night i had a deep conversation with mary, i said to her i hope you are listening, or at least are around in spirit (exist) and im not just talking to nobody, i asked her to give me a sign, and left it at that...well 2 days later i had to drive somewhere, and when i got there,..there was a big 4 wheel drive parked there, taking up heaps of room, the lady was in it, so i parked behind her i was only going to be 5 minutes running in and out of the when i returned to my car, she was in the back of her car looking for something, she told me to hang on a tick...i looked at her strangely, and she came up to me and handed over (forget what they are called )....a little silver oval shaped thing, that normally goes on a rosemary bead necklace...and it had mary on it...she said " i thought you might like this " soon as i looked at it, i was so stunned and surprised, i told her i loved it, and thank you...she drove off...i sat in my car for a while and just couldnt believe what had just happened, i wanted to ask her why ? but she had gone..i was lost for words...when i got home i showed it to everyone...they were as shocked as me....i will always keep it where ever i go..ive put a gold string on it and its tired up to my bed and sits under my pillow, just so it wont get there was my sign that she was listening...i still think about that day often, as to why she felt that she had to give me that.....then something else happened the second time, i spoke with mary and days later, i got a book as a present, about natural healing ( i never asked for it ) same thing again, my step dad came across it and felt he had to get it for me...the first page i opened in the book was about mary and her shrine in lourdes, france...a place i feel i have to visit one day soon..i love looking at pictures of that shrine......i read what you wrote about asking god for a yes or no, and opened the bible to that page, saying god doesnt say no...should always take notice of when things like that happen, its how we get thats my story on angels and mary....

  3. not to be too scientific, but the  universe means everything. When your at one with the universe, you have acheaved peace and harmony in everthing. You have no problems, no fears no negative energy. nothing paranormal with anything like that in saying "universe".

  4. I never got that send it out thing, sounds a little loony.  I mean shouldn't the universe already know? Also Time Life did a series of books on the supernatural.

    Most library's can get you the books.  A little dated but great pictures!

    Edit.  Maybe this link will help--

    Edit. that link should take you to a list of paranormal books.

    the link maybe broken or timed out   try this---

  5. Some people won't say God, so they say "Universe"

  6. I'm an analyst, the universe in my context means everything, therefore the Universe is everything possible.  If you want to talk about spirits, far enough, the Universe includes everything.

  7. The idea of "putting something out to the universe" usually means to project your thoughts or wishes outwardly to try to have an effect on reality.

    One one hand, that might be considered "paranormal", meaning that it is outside the normal rules of cause and effect-- my good thoughts are not going to heal a sick person, and my wishes are not going to make me win the lottery right?

    On the other hand, even hardcore science is aware that "reality" and the systems that we live in are all inter-related-- there is a "universe" of matter (things)- space (nothing) and energy that flows between.

    Your have an effect on your universe, small and big-- you can control your own immediate systems--your body, objects around you, systems that you interact with--people, money, the internet, etc--- you as a PARTICIPANT effect the WHOLE SYSTEM.

    Therefore, it might sound new-agey and "paranormal" to think that you could effect anything in the "universe"  but there is a massive universe withn yourself and outside yourself-- small things add up to big things.  

    When you have explored enough of the these influeces, you may see that the angels and spirits are ALL YOU--you are actually the universe.  Uni means one--and you only have the prespective of the one. The complexities that appear to be outside yourself are lessons to your greater self, which encompasses everything.

  8. child, i don't think even they know what they are talking about.

  9. Wouldn't "Paranormal for Dummies" be kind of redundant?

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