
What Else can i do ?????

by  |  earlier

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OK I have try-ed Meany things and just don't know what to do from here ? i have a 10year old son who is very stubborn when he don't get his way with his friends or other adults he gets very mouthy and lately its gotten worse getting into fights ? i don't have a problem with him doing this to me or my husband or his siblings but he has this problem with other adults and kids his age i don't understand why . i have grounded him up to 4 Weeks at a time away from his friends and in his room with nothing else in their but his bed i have Gavin him stricter boundaries like has to stay in his owen Yard things like this so if you have any suggestions i would greatly appreciate it i know about spankings but i don't wont to go to jail because of them so please just think if it was your kid how would you handle it and please if your just going to be rude then don't answer thanks !




  1. try to figure out why he is acting this way.

    maybe he had a bad experience with a nother person.

    sit down and have a talk with him.

    give him love and compastion, and let him know you love him.

    try to let him know that the way hes acting makes you feel bad.

    if he does something good, give him a dollar.

    if he does something badd, then tell him its wrong and try to show him why its wrong.

    but dont let him think that your always going to be nice when he does something wrong

    let him know your the boss


    pray to god for help

    you cant do this alone.

  2. ha! your problem is what you said you don't mind. you let him get away with it at home. you are his first authority figures and he's allowed to treat you like garbage. so of course he's gonna treat others that way. come on! I'm a teenager and I knew that

  3. hes a brat

  4. It seems when you say that when he missbehaive with you and your husban is ok. so my opinion is wrong get going from you 2 you need to teach him the principles, and rules to fallow, maybe he just want to get attention, or maybe is time to get him to the psicoligist who can question him about his behavior, try to talk with him about it, and use like a friend method not parent's to a son. i do believe that he could don't loose control, and faith ok?

  5. Your the most important people in his life if you let him do this to you then he'll think he can do it to everybody. You have to put your foot down in the household.

  6. well for one thing children need to be corrected sometimes,and that might mean whipping his butt once in a while,i had to call the cops on my 15yrold girl for trying to fight me over going to school. the cops came out and she mouthed off to them so i asked the cop how i should handle it and he said whipp her ***,so i did in front of the cop then he took her to school and he told her to not even think about trying to say we abuse her cause he was a witness. we never had much more trtouble like that after that episode. also you could enroll him in a martial arts class they teach them respect ,first and foremost.

  7. You dont have a problem with your boy treating you and your husband badly?


    If he will treat his OWN PARENTS like that then WHY in the world  would he treat ANYONE else any different?

    Your punishments are a joke to him if your having to ground him for a month.

    Have your husband   spank his behind until he sees the error of his ways, THEN ground him.Make him apologize to you, his dad,and anyone else he has mistreated and let him know that this kind of behavior will NOT be tolerated.If you don't do it now, some punk he offends with his behavior is liable to pop a cap in his butt or the judge will send him off.Your choice.

  8. Ever watched SUPER NANNY or BRAT CAMP?

  9. if u let him do it to you and your husband, he will do it to other people, so when he does it to you you have to discipline him, ground him, take away TV, Computer, Phone, Friends, Make him go to bed early, anything....

  10. I would sit down with his teacher and see if there is something going on at school. Maybe he is being bullied or picked on. If that is not the case then I would ask his teacher to contact you whenever there is an issue at school. Make sure your son knows that you are going to be closely monitoring his behavior when he is outside the house. Have you tried talking to him to find out why he is acting like this toward other people? If he is not doing this at home then he obviously knows this behavior is wrong. You should also let other family members know what is going on and ask them to make sure that if he is disrespectful to them that they punish him, making him sit by himself instead of playing, take something away from him etc. Also talk to the parents of the children that he plays with. Let them know that if they have any problems with him while he is playing at their homes to please send him home immediately. I think once your son realizes that you will always know about what he does at school or friends houses and that he will be punished for that behavior he may stop. We found out that our daughter was giving her teacher attitude and being nasty to other classmates. I sat her down and told her that I would be e-mailing her teacher once a week for updates on her behavior and any bad report would result in punishment. Once she found out that we would be monitoring her classroom behavior she stopped. It could be that your son is in the mentality that your rules only apply when he is around you. He needs to know that the rules you set need to be followed no matter where he is or whom he is with.


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