
What Eukaryotic kingdom has no mitochondria and flagellar motion?

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What Eukaryotic kingdom has no mitochondria and flagellar motion?




  1. all eukaryotic cell have membrane bound organelle e.g mitochondria,golgi body,lysosomes,chloroplast and etc are present.

    no mitochondria = prokaryotic cell perhaps?

  2. Metamonads are a Phylum (not a Kingdom) of primitive anaerobic, flagellated Eukaryotes which lack mitochondria.

    They belong to the Kingdom Protista, and include many parasites like Giardia. Their classification is not totally settled, but they include the  retortamonads, diplomonads, parabasalids and oxymonads.

    They were originally thought to have diverged from other Eukaryotes before the evolution/endosymbiosis of mitochondria, but the discovery of mitochiondrially-derived genes in their nuclear DNA has suggested that they may once have had mitochondria, but subsequently lost them.

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