
What FASFA form do I need to fill out?

by Guest34037  |  earlier

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I'm heading back to college. I'm over 21, and though I still live with my parents they do not claim me on their taxes. I assumed I need a different form than students who use their parents' tax info. I know I can't use them on my FASFA form, but I have no idea what form I should be filling out. Any help?




  1. You would use the same FAFSA form. There are 5 criterias to break you away from your parents: If you answer no to ALL, you would need your parents tax info as well as your own. 1. Are you 24 yrs or older? 2. Are you married? 3. Do you have child (children) you SUPPORT? 4. Are you veteran of US armed forces? 5) Were you foster child or a ward of the court? If you answer YES to any, then you can go at it alone with your tax info only.  Remember its the same FAFSA but depending on how you answered, parent/yours or your info alone.  Good luck!

  2. You use the one-and-only FAFSA form.

    The bad news for you is that you're still a dependent student for financial aid purposes. You won't be an independent until you can answer "yes" to one of these questions:

    Were you born before January 1, 1985?

    (next year, the question will be January 1, 1986, etc)

    Are you married? (not divorced)

    Do you provide more than 50% of the financial support for one or more of your own children?

    Do you provide more than 50% of the financial support for a non-child dependent who lives in your home?

    Are you an orphan, or have you been declared a ward of the court?

    Are you a US military veteran?

    Are you an active duty member of the US military?

    Are you in graduate school?

    Those are the ONLY questions that qualify you for independent status.

    It doesn't matter if you live with your parents, if they claim you as a dependent on their income taxes, whether they give you money, whether they've already told you that they're not helping you out with college, or whether you or they make $3,000,000 a year, or live on food stamps. None of these things determine your dependency status for financial aid.

    You fill out the regular FAFSA, and as a dependent, you must provide your family's financial information, as requested. The Department of Education will not process your application without it, and they will not excuse you from having to provide that information because your parents refuse to give it to you.

    I hope that helped - good luck!

  3. i believe that there is only one FAFSA form. there will be an option in the beginning that asks about your dependency status, and if your parents filed or didn't file, and same for you. that is what i remember from filling mine out! i hope this makes sense. also remember that if you need a lot of money, to file on time according to your schools for majority of financial aid. i know that for my university, the date is already passed....but you can file it any time.

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