
What FL law pertains to written instrument with regards to credit companies?

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I need to reference the FL law that clearly states that if a claim or defense is founded upon a written instrument a copy thereof must be provided and attached to the pleading. Does anyone know which State law or statute this refers to?




  1. It refers to Rule 1.130 of the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure. Happy hunting :)

    (a) Instruments Attached. All bonds, notes, bills of exchange, contracts, accounts, or documents upon which action may be brought or defense made, or a copy thereof or a copy of the portions thereof material to the pleadings, shall be incorporated in or attached to the pleading. No papers shall be unnecessarily annexed as exhibits. The pleadings shall contain no unnecessary recitals of deeds, documents, contracts, or other instruments.

    (b) Part for All Purpose. Any exhibit attached to a pleading shall be considered a part thereof for all purposes. Statements in a pleading may be adopted by reference in a different part of the same pleading, in another pleading, or in any motion.

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