
What FUN class activities help in teaching children about excess reagents??

by  |  earlier

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I need a fun class activity that can help me in explaining the concept of excess reagents in an equation. Can anyone help me come up with some creative idea? Do you know of any website that can help me do that?

It has to be fun and creative for the children to get into it and truly understand!!

Help !!!




  1. Let children be children. I assume you are talking about kids under 15 years of age. Believe me, they won't like a lesson about that. Leave that kind of work for their big adolescent brothers and sisters. Find something more age-appropriate for them. Do a "" search under their age group in science.

  2. I remember doing that in chemistry at Higher level.

    What age group are you teaching though?

  3. The analogy I always use is cooking.  How many pancakes can we make? Or how many cookies can we bake?  Change the number of eggs, amount of flour, and milk available.  For example, if the recipe calls for 2 eggs, 1 cup milk, and 3 cups flour and you have a gallon of milk, 1 egg, and 6 cups of flour-->milk and flour are excess while egg is limiting.

  4. I suggest give the students a free day, they always like that :), and forget about the excess reagents

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