
What Factors Allow Life To Exist On Earth?

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What Factors Allow Life To Exist On Earth?




  1. Water, Oxygen, atmosphere (and ozone), gravity, magnetic fields, the perfect position and distance from the sun, the sun's energy....and the other elements attained during the formation of out solar system like nitrogen, carbon, etc.

  2. Quite a few, but the three main ones being an abundance of oxygen in the atmosphere and liquid water, which are both essential for life as we know it to exist here on earth. The other is the proper distance from the sun which gives us the right amount of heat energy needed to heat up the planet just enough to maintain water in a liquid form and also gives us sunlight for plants to photosythesize and exist, which in turn take in the carbon dioxide we breath out and turn it into oxygen which we need.

    Then there are others such as the amount of gravity, axis tilt of the planet, rotational velocity, and many others I can't remember off the top of my head.

  3. water atmosphere and an magnetic field which protects us from solar winds . the distance we are from the sun the size of our planet all effect life

  4. oxygen is not necessary for all types of life.  the only thing that is necessary for life (at least from what we can tell from life on earth) is liquid water.  But the fact that earth has various protective mechanisms (atmosphere, magnetic field, etc.) definitely doesn't hurt.

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