
What Factors Can Get You Off of A Ticket in Texas?

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What Factors Can Get You Off of A Ticket in Texas?




  1. Innocence.

  2. When there is not enough evidence to identify you as the driver, or to prove the violation occurred.

  3. Its hard, but just try apologizing to the officer. If you are a women maybe you can kind of flirt. Or if your record is clean ask the officer to please let you off this once. I suggest next time you get a ticket.. follow the steps below:

    Step1:   Pull your car safely to the side of the road as soon as you see the light bars or hear the sirens of a cop car. Show immediately that you have no intention of evading the officer, and that you are paying due attention to your surroundings. If you want to get out of a ticket, you must show that you are compliant.

    Step2:     Roll your window down as soon as you have pulled over, then place your hands on the steering wheel. This allows the officer to see your hands at all times, and demonstrates your willingness to cooperate.

    Step3:   Ask the officer if you can reach inside your glove box, pocket or purse to retrieve your driver license and proof of insurance. Simply reaching into a bag or concealed part of your car will make the officer nervous, which is the last thing you want when you're trying to get out of a ticket.

    Step4:    Reply honestly when the officer asks if you know what you were doing wrong. If you were speeding, say, "Sorry, officer, I guess I was going a little too fast." If, however, you don't know what you've done wrong, say so. Cops like honesty, and are more likely to let you get away with a warning if you remain candid.

    Step5:  Try a little humor if you feel comfortable, but don't overdo it. Police officers grow weary of citizens who lay it on thick, and you'll probably get a ticket if you annoy the cop. Instead, use light humor that is appropriate for the situation.

    Step6:    Say you're sorry--and mean it. Expressing remorse for whatever law you've broken might appeal to the officers' compassionate side, and he might take pity on your state of vulnerability.

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