
What Fighting Style Should I learn?

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The Place I Want To Enroll at Offers :

* Kickboxing

* Knife Fighting

* Kung Fu

* Shaolin Kempo Kung Fu

* Tong Long Kung Fu

* White Crane

* Wing Chun

Which Style Should I learn




  1. That depends on a number of factors:

    First, what's your goal? Is it physical conditioning? Self-defense? To build a base for MMA-style competition? The answer will vary, depending on your goal(s).

    Second, what are the backgrounds of the instructors? I'd want someone well-advanced in the particular style.

    Third, what suits you best? Really, there's no way to know except to try them. Talk to the place you're considering, and ask whether you can try out the different disciplines.

    Good luck.

  2. I would suggest Knife Fighting and Kickboxing.  I have been doing Muay Thai Kickboxing, Filipino Kali(Knife and Sticks), JKD, and Submission wrestling for years.  Submission wrestling and Muay Thai are my favorites.

    Although I've found that the Knife Fighting translates well into other fighting arts.You really get a sense of keeping your distance.When you are fighting with a knife you obviously want to stay away from your opponents blade.Same thing you would do when you are fighting someone with no weapons, is you want to keep your distance.Same thing with attacking is you want to be in and out real quick or find the right opening off of a counter, etc.   Try knife fighting before sparring with someone and keep that feeling you had when you were knife fighting with someone.You really get that sense of distance and attack.

    Kickboxing is something I like cause I think it gives you great tools to use in any kind of fight.Youre not really restricted to a traditional stance or doing like ridiculous strikes out of a funny stance.....just my opinion I've done some of the other styles and they are beautiful arts.

  3. is it the same person teaching them all?if so find out what they specialize in, if not check the teacher's liniages so you know how credible their training is, then decide whether you want solid strong movements or quick flurries or knife protection


    quick=wing chun (bruce lee style)

    and knife fighting

    those are my top choices now you have to choose which suits you

  4. It entirely depends on why you want to lean a martial art. From a sporting side of things I would go kickboxing which would be useful if you ever thought about starting MMA.


  6. Kickboxing  

  7. They are all kung fu styles, so start with the kung fu class.  Learn your basics, then try any or all of the other classes.  

  8. muay thai and taekwondo

  9. White Crane (southern version only)

    Tong Long

    Wing Chun

    Those would be my first choices because I personally kung fu...but I would never limit myself to it. I like the fluid approach.

    Edit:[I know of Tibetan White Crane and the Taiwanese White Crane is from the Yong Chun White Crane. ]

    Sensie Scandal I was only making a choice between Tibetan and Southern Fujian White Crane. The only other crane style I've heard of is Malaysian crane.

  10. There is no legitimate place in the US that can teach you any of these disciplines without being a "belt factory." Perhaps some should stick to just playing Mortal Kombat eh?

  11. taekwondo, i am almost a black belt! two belts to go!

  12. Drunken Lotus Style!!! Im a water belt, already.  

  13. well... I will say kung fu ...

  14. All of them. Why not? Unless it costs more then I'd go with Shaolin Kenpo Kung Fu or Wing Chun or Kickboxing.

  15. Wing chun. bruce lee knew it and based his own martial art off it

  16. Wu-Tang....

  17. Do you have all those arts available to you???

    You're d**n lucky!

    I study White Crane and Nan Tong Long - Southern Mantis. They are related arts and both awesome and develop great power.

    (Mr Longrove - in all my years of researching White Crane Fist, and now being a student of Yong Chun White Crane, I have never heard of a Northern Version.

    I know of Tibetan White Crane and the Taiwanese White Crane is from the Yong Chun White Crane.

    Do you know something that I don't? Please educate me! )

  18. I'd check and see if you could do trials of each to see which seems more well suited to you. Each of us are a little different and what style is best for you depends largely on you and what you want to do in and with martial arts.

    Otherwise I would go Tong Long, Shaolin Kempo, Wing Chun, Kick boxing, White Crane.

    All the advice in world along this line though isn't really that great of help because none of us are you and the style needs to fit with you, your build, and your personality. Take your time with the decision, check each of the instructors out, check each of the styles out and then you can make an educated decision and I'm sure you will be happier for it.

  19. Try each one first and decide ,but my choice would be Wing Chun or Shaolin Kempo Kung Fu from your list.

    Best wishes :)***

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