
What Fish Can Live With GoldFish?

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What Fish Can Live With GoldFish?




  1. other goldfish and koi.

    goldfish are very messy cold water fish who require AT LEAST 10gallons of water, double filtration and weekly water changes.

    godlfih of the shubunkin and comet veriety need 20+ gallons each due to being "torpedo shaped" and very active fast swimmers.  Koi need 55 gallons minimum!

    pond snails like ramshorn will also do ok with goldfish and the only algea eater capable of living with goldfish.

    algea eating fish like pleco, cae, cory, ottos ect are tropical fish and cannot live at oldfish temperatures safely!

  2. Depends on the tank size in the long run. Goldfish can grow to 14 inchs so it needs to be big. In the short term really anything thats not aggressive and can eat them. Goldfish can get along with anything really but they go after food hardcore so make sure the other fish get some of the food you drop in.

    I assume you know though that goldfish have differnt Temp. and water quailty needs than other fish so they would have to be able to live in that enviorment as well to be good tank mates.

  3. barley any! besides koi

  4. goldfish can live with koi and can coexist with plecos and loaches

  5. Other goldfish.

  6. cold water danios and white cloud mountain minnows will last for a while until either

    they die from the ammonia produced from the goldfish


    the goldfish eats them

    but if you buy a 1 inch goldfish the danios/minnows will probably die of old age due to the fact that the goldfish cant eat them and i doubt the goldfish will start producing enough ammonia by that time

    one of the answers is wrong

    fancys  need 20 gallons plus 10 for each additional

    comets/common/carnival/feeders  need 50 gallons plus 20 for

    each additional

    koi need 1000 gallons

  7. Goldfish are dirty fish so they kill whatever fish is placed in with them just by being there. I can't even remember how many guppy I lost before I found this out. Of course you can always put another goldfish in.

  8. What kind of goldfish are you talking about?

    A single-tailed goldfish, such as a common or a comet or a shubie, would be ok with koi as other people said here.

    Double tailed goldfish ('fancy' goldfish) can NOT live in a tank with koi OR single-tailed goldfish. Fancy goldfish are not strong swimmers and they will be bullied and will not be able to get enough food. I got my oranda from a tankful of koi at my local fish store and his tail was completely shredded by their constant nipping.  

    Summary: fancy goldfish with fancy goldfish, koi with single-tailed goldfish. Save yourself a headache.

    Oh, and koi need a crapload of tank space, so unless you have a 100g hangin' out in your living room, or a pond, don't get a koi. Single tails need 20g per fish, more as they grow, and fancies are generally ok with 10gallon per fish (which is IMHO a conservative estimate, I say 20g for the first fancy and 10g for each additional.)

    Good goldfish sites:

    BTW, GOOD ON YOU for doing your research first. This saves you a heartache in the long run. :)

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