
What Fish for a 20gallon tank?

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For a twenty gallon tank what kind of filter should i invest in (not too expensive) and what types of fish...obviously ones that can live together happily lol...can i put in this tank and how many. i don't really like the whole small little tetras and small stuff i would rather have a few pretty and bigger ones than a bunch of small stuff!

Thanks a bunch:)

Also if the fish you mention need a special temp. please mention!




  1. An outside filter would be best.  Especially if you decide on some species of cichlid.  Most are diggers.

    2-3 angelfish.

    or 3-4 pearl gouramis, or other types.

    or  3-4 Mollies or swordtails, they can get fairly large.

    6 Rainbow fish from Australia.

    1 pair blue Gularis killifish.   5-7 ".  See below site.

    Congo tetras get to 3", a bit larger than neons, and a school of them is beautiful.  See below site for info.

    And black skirt tetras get quite a bit larger than neons, and though not as colorful, are still pretty and intersting to watch in a school.

    6 cory catfish or 2-3 weather loaches with any of the above.

  2. Well i have a 20 gal. And i have 5 mollies, 3 gouramis, 2 cory cats, 2 albino catfish, and 2 small algae eaters. These are all great fish to get they don't get too big and they are all very peaceful fish. You can also try tetras or swordtail fish. There are multitudes of good community fish that you can buy. hope this helped!

  3. Well in a 20 gallon you can put 3 male guppies, 4 danios, 3 male mickey mouse platies

  4. If you want larger fish, you're pretty limited with a 20 gallon tank.  You could probably have a pair of convict cichlids, but if they breed, you'd end up with hundreds of fry to deal with.  You could just manage to squeeze in a trio of clown loaches (max 6 inches) which are very colorful and active fish and quite fun to watch, or you could do a single small pleco, like a rubber mouth or bristle nose (max 6 inches) with a group of 5 cory cats and a few colorful male guppies, or you could have 3-5 gouramis.

    There are various cichlids that are very pretty and colorful fish which would fit into a 20 gallon, like rams and rainbows and parrotfish, but there's more than I can list here, let alone go into which could go with which.  If you decide to go with cichlids, you should probably just research them.  There are African and South American varieties and they have quite different needs.

    These are all tropical fish which need temperatures of 76-80 degrees F.

  5. Convicts

    Members of the Chiclid family.  Not only do they look good, they rrerpoduce like mad so you get to see the babies

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