
What Fruits and Veggies Can Guinea Pigs Eat???

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What kind. Pickles, Avacado, Apples, Popcorn. Can they eat popcorn? Help me!




  1. No pickles, avocado, or popcorn. No fun, huh? Apples are okay in moderation.

    See the links below for better ideas:

  2. stay away from carbs..mine likes carrots blueberries, green leaf lettuce, his regular food, leeks, fresh spinach.

  3. "For one, be sure to include some fruits and veggies that are high in C to her daily ration of fresh foods. Kale, dandelion greens, brussels sprouts, strawberries and green pepper are all great, as are citrus fruits. A quarter of an orange will satisfy the requirements".

  4. Guinea pigs need at least a cup of veggies a day. The majority should be made up of dark leafy greens. Dark leaf lettuces are great. ONLY dark leaf lettuces like romaine, green leaf ir red leaf lettuce. Iceburg lettuce is very bad for them so stay away from that. Other good veggies include cilantro, parsley, bell peppers, an occaisonal carrot or piece of fruit. Be careful with fruit though! Only a treat. Too much sugar  and water.


  5. I'd avoid pickles and popcorn. Not sure on avocado. I know the meat nearest the pit and rind has toxins so if you do feed it definitely feed the middle meat. If you feed popcorn make sure it's unsalted and unbuttered... plain, but it's probably not a great idea. Here's some great information and lists on good fruits and veggies to feed:

  6. lol.. mm Oreo ate it all, any fruit or veggies, .. maybe not popcorn..

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