
What Games are you guys excited for?

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There're a lot of good Wii games coming out in the next few months.

1. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (9/16)

2. Rock Band 2 (sometime soon)

3. Wii Music (10/20)

4. Guitar Hero: World Tour (10/26)

5. James Bond: Quantum of Solace (11/04)

6. The Conduit (Q1 2009)

7. Pikmin Wii (eventually)

any other exciting releases?

also psyched for Spore and Sims 3!




  1. For me,

    Animal Crossing: City Folk

    Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

    Guitar Hero: World Tour

    Call of Duty: World at War

    The Conduit


  2. No. No. Wii Music  is going to be the death sentence for hardcore wii games. Seriously,all you do to play is hold the remote up to your face and it automatically plays music. Do you really want to spend 50$ on that?

    Some confrimed tracks for wii music:

    Yankee Doodle

    Mario Theme

    Twinkle Twinkle Little Star


    Oh sorry I didn't answer your question:

    I'm looking forward to conduit, World Tour and Sortof force unleashed

    I cannot stress enough how bad wii music is. Look it up on any game critic site (IGN, GAMESRADAR, GAMESPOT). There is nothing but badness.

    As another edit, you'd think it would be free style drumming, wouldn't you? That would be cool. But instead, it's this. To play one drum, say snare, you hold one button down and swing down. To play cymbal, hold a different button and swing. The drum thing in the background is just for show, it really means nothing.

    It makes no sense, and is just.....a horrible thing.

  3. I might get The Conduit if the reviews are good.  So far it's looking really good though.

    And I also want either Rock Band 2 or Guitar Hero 4, but I probably won't get them (too expensive).

  4. Force Unleashed

    The Conduit

    Wii Music

    de Blob

    Crash Bandicoot: Mind over Mutant

    Call of Duty

  5. I'm most excited about The Conduit!!The game looks amazing as for the graphics are too!!That's the one I'm looking forward to.Other then that is Call Of Duty World At War

  6. Wii Music

    Animal Crossing City Folk

    Sims 3

    Wario Land Shake It!

    Harvest Moon

  7. I am looking for the conduit the game looks like it going to be really good.

  8. thats all.... so far.... IM looking foward to getting all those games and lego batman if for wii

  9. Everyone forgot Star Fox: Frontiers imagine controlling an arwing with a Wii Remote... Awesome! We don't have much proof but we can hope it's as good as Star Fox 64 because the rest of the Star Fox series weren't too great. Eventually we can play it but don't hold your breath

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