
What Gender Pwns more? Male or Female?

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1.What gender is more hateful against g**s?

2.What gender is more physically violent?

3.What gender is more physically stronger?

4.What gender kills human beings more?

5.What gender is more racist?

6.What gender is more sexist?




  1. I think that this is a horrible question and I am not sure what "pwns" means... However from my experiences and the people I have known I would say men are the answer to all of your questions.  Not all men but they have been the majority to do the things that you have mentioned.  

  2. feminists.






  3. 1) Klansmen

    2) Inner city Gangs

    3) Bodybuilders

    4) Doctors

    5) Klansmen

    6) Strom Thurman

  4. all your base are belong to males

  5. And how is getting into a slanging match over subjective questions that can't be answered going to solve any of the world's problems?

  6. There is no bad gender, despite what we have been told.

    "She explained why the existing model of domestic violence shelters was ineffective. PC feminists were attempting then (and now) to secure ever greater financing for these operations. Sandra Horley, director of Chiswick in 1992, reportedly complained, "if we put across this idea that the abuse of men is as great as the abuse of women, then it could seriously affect our funding."

  7. guys pwn evryone! tehy are in your base killin yor doods!!!1!

  8. men are better. women just cant seem to do anything right! lol

  9. lol second Robert.

    Both genders, can show violence, strength, arrogance, narrow mindness racism, and sexism.  None of these traits are gender related.  

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