
What Get's On Your Nerves The Most?

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  1. this is going to sounds real mean... but i dnt like stupid people... hahaha. its the truth. people who say stupid things, or do stuff that make NO SENSE. those people get on my nerves!!! for example... i work in an office building with about 200 people. this one lady says someday, mmm is some one baking cookies????? i look at her and im like, where do u see a stove?!!?!?!?!?!? how can someone be baking cookies!?!??! so she proceeds with: someone's gotta be baking cookies... and in my head im like, lady r u serious!?!?!? hahaha. in her defense, she is kinda ditzy, but stuff like that get on my nerves! lol

  2. ignorance

  3. NOTHING! i'm usually the one who gets on other peoples nerves. i am just a very happy person who wants to have people around me that are funny and outgoing. people these days really need t lighten up and quit stressin about stupid stuff.for example: the break dancin ?'s just tell them 'naw i'm good, i don't want to break anything'. PEOPLE! KEEP THE HUMOR ALIVE AND have a great day. and if you never have a good day MAKE a good day!

  4. Stupid people, rude people, people on welfare

  5. Stoplights! After i got rear ended at one, they are now officially my pet peeve.

    P.S. And people like Irish ! Not everyone on Welfare is a user and abuser, some people really need temporary help.  It is people like Irish that have bad attitudes that i can't stand either.

  6. Bratty Kids

    Bad Drivers

    Gas Prices


    A dirty or disorganized home

    lol to name a few

  7. 3 people gets on my nerves they play games and try to put me down and attack

  8. When someone repeats something or says the same thing every single day. Ex: (YOU  WANNA GO BREAKDANCE?!?!)  Me: no.... lllll Next day (YOU FEEL LIKE BREAKDANCING?!?!?!) Me again: no.....  lllll On and on. That's one thing that bothers me alot.

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