
What HAPPENED tooo mee?

by  |  earlier

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ok i was in pe today and we were playing volleyball and i jumped up to hit to ball above me and when i swung my arm around to hit it i felt this sharp locking 'oozing' pain on the right side of my head just above the nape of my neck! it hurt so bad but then it went away ;-| what the h**l was it?! and has it ever happened to you?




  1. I had that happen a few times when I was in high school, but never on that area of my head.  I think you're describing the same kind of pain, but it's hard to tell.  Anyway, I wonder if somehow you pinched a nerve, causing an intense but short pain?  I don't think I would worry about this if the pain is gone and there is no lingering ache or anything.  If it happens more, see a doc.

    I will say, that pain I had on my head, would come out of nowhere, hurt for like two seconds maybe, real intense, then gone just like that.  Must of happened 4 or 5 times, but I'm 38 now, and haven't felt that at all for probably 20+ years.  

  2. You could have pulled a muscle or maybe pinched a nerve.

  3. yeah ive had it before, it just means you've kinked your neck or bent it in a weird way its not anything to worry about

  4. You pulled a muscle.  

  5. sorry that's never happened to me before , and sorry i can't help but :[ i'm glad your better though.

  6. you almost pulled a muscle, based on the angle of your arm. be carefull.


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