
What Happened to The Railroad Crossing Gates Around Northern California?

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Living in Santa Rosa, I've noticed numerous train gates have been replaced. The have all the bells and whistles (no pun intended??) with LED lenses and Electronic bells. The old "functionable" crossing gates have been left in operation. In addition to all of this the literal gate arms have been re birthed and can be seen at most crossings. Knowing that all traffic signals wind up in a humongus lot, do they do this with all the old crossing signals??I would really appreciate it if anyone (rail worker???) knows about this or has any information




  1. Kan-

    Most of those old crossing signals will be completely parted out.  Meaning all of the parts that are still useful to the Railroad, (Union Pacific), will be used to repair other crossing guards.  Anything that cannot be used by Union Pacifc, (Class 1 Railroads), will either be sent out for scrap or be auctioned off to other railroads that do not fall into the Class 1 Category.

    Often Railroads like the club I belong to, (Niles Canyon Railway), a Class 3 Operating Railroad will purchase some of this equipment to repair or replace our equipment.  Then of course, there are the folks like yourself, who just might want their own piece of the railroad for their back yard if they are building a theme.

    In most cases you can contact Union Pacific, or if you happen to see one of the line workers, you can always ask them who to contact to possibly get "Pick Of The Litter" so to speak.

    In any event, DO NOT just help yourself to any equipment you may see laying on the ground around the railroad.  That is their property, and just a word of advice, if you are caught removing that property it is a 10 year all expenses paid vacation fron the California Department of Corrections, (Felony).  And... Union Pacific has no problems pressing charges for theft and trespassing to make their point.  Plus they will have the complete backing of the Federal Railway Administration on top of their own lawyers.  

    Basically, just ask first.  Most of the time they are happy to get that old junk off their hands, so they don't have to deal with the hassle.  One less signal stand or crossing guard to cut up will make the work crew that much more happy.  Besides, if its a hot day and you show up with a cooler full of Ice Cold Sodas I'm quite sure they would be more than happy to oblige!

    Good Luck!

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