
What Happenned to the Paranormal section

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This used to be a place to discuss the paranormal in a scientific way and many good debates were held here, but now it is just fantasy and myths.

The researchers used to be grounded in some reality and no experts as we all know there are no experts in this field even the most well known researcher Troy Taylor teaches that, but I am now seeing some who claim to be an expert.

I see people getting upset over skeptics but the people who pioneered this field say researchers need a healthy dose of skeptism.




  1. Actually, this forum turned into another Religion and Spirituality room.

    If you don't believe in a god, you get massive thumbs down responses, or your response gets flagged and pulled.

    Or if you have pissed off some of the poo-poo flinging emo's with a comment, again, your response is pulled.

    Not everyone is going to agree with one another.

    And there are plausible explanations to things that go bump in the night.

    But that's not what people want to hear.

    I don't claim to be an expert.

    I've had my share of unexplainable things happen, but I'm also aware of commonalities in a home that create sounds, cause cold spots, or makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up.

    But again, that's not what people want to hear.

    No one can agree with god, demons, angels, aliens, UFOs, the Ouija board, orbs, ghosts, spirits, Bigfoot, or any 6Th sense abilities.

    Welcome to the war zone.

  2. There are very few proper universities which offer any sort of course on parapsychology so people with actual credentials are going to be few and far between.

    Luckily on Answers you don't have to have any qualifications to put your two cents worth in, if you did most people would be waiting a very long time to get a response to their question.

    Most people seem to come here looking for someone to confirm what they have already decided.

    If they ask do they have a ghost in their house they are not interested in people suggesting that they have had a dream of that their vision is imperfect and get quite annoyed if they are contradicted, but there are always plenty of people to give them the confirmation they seek no matter how implausible their story.

  3. I don't know about this section lately ...but on the Parapsychology Section we do have a few experts. For a few there are Dean Radin  a parpsychologist, Paul Smith a remote viewer, and Greg a hypnotist.  

  4. Honestly? I think there are a few different types of people who hang out here. Some don't see it from the scientific perspective, we see it from a different perspective, that some might argue is religious or fantasy and myth. But I beg to differ. Some of us just experience paranormal phenomenon in a way that's quite different from everyone else. Doesn't make us wrong. Just means we experience things differently. Doesn't make the scientists wrong either.

    I do see a few question on religion that I don't think believe belong here, but also some that the scientists say aren't scientific and therefore don't belong here. But if it revolves around the paranormal, about experiencing ghosts and ghostsly phenomenon, I say it does belong here. The point being, that everybody's perspective is going to be different. why? Because everybody is unique. None of us are wrong OR right. It's all just different perspectives. That happens. We're human. We should learn to forgive each other for being human and try not to judge each other so harshly. This forum would run more smoothly if everybody would simply remember that we're all just human and respect each other simply for that reason alone. But people are so distrustful, that they want a reason to love their fellow man. "Prove to me you're worth my repsect" when it shouldn't work that way.

    as far as people calling themselves experts... I say you just gotta expect things like that in an open forum like this.

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