
What Happens If All Taxes and the IRS are Abolished?

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What Happens If All Taxes and the IRS are Abolished?

Many Conservatives/ Republicans have said collecting taxes is "illegal" or "UnConstitutional," but how will things be paid for? Without taxes or even with lower taxes, how will our Military be paid for?

What about our Police Departments?

Fire Departments?

Public Schools?

Maintenace of roads, highways, bridges?

Garbage collection/ Recycling?

Libraries and other publicly funded organizations?

Will we have to pay for it all out of pocket?

And if so, won't that put us all at the mercy of whatever companies would be running those various industries and charging whatever they want? For example, there is only ONE cable company in my area so I either a) don't have cable or b) am forced to pay their rates.

Isn't this a monopoly and won't that only create the potential for even MORE monopolies?

Who will benefit and who will suffer under such a system where we must pay for everything out of pocket?




  1. First of all, no taxes=no government revenue, which equals no government, which equals anarchy.

    As a Democrat, I must be fair to my conservative friends and correct you. It is "income" taxes that some conservatives call Unconstitutional, and therefore, want abolished. You can't abolish "all" taxes, because we need a functioning government. In 1911, President Howard Taft signed the bill creating a Federal income tax on earned wages, thus creating the IRS. Many conservitives want this bill repealed and the old Federal sales tax on purchased goods brought back to replace it.

    Personally, I would prefer a hybrid approach that would include a low flat tax on income,  combined with a Federal sales tax, if it would collect all the necessary revenue.

  2. that would be great, but all the people who get all the freebee's!!! would rob the rest of us blind!! Since the family value has been wiped out, the older people who have been abandoned by their families to be taken care of by the govt. funding, would suffer!! BUT, their is way too many govt. funding programs that need to be banned!!! we pay to much for alot of programs I do not believe in,( like my tax money going for an abortion) or like in my towm, the zombies, that sell and do drugs, they get a check every month!!!, maybe its time for reality checks!!! I agree with you 100%

  3. what you've described is an elimination of all federal taxes, but not local or state taxes

    ideally, we'd have a national consumption tax that would be unescapable for rich folks with lawyers or people who deal only in cash (waiters, drug dealers, pimps, etc)

  4. A little extreme, as usual. Liberals love to show the worst case scenario and call it an argument. You actually believe government has your best interest? Every Republican is rich like Warren Buffet, and every Republican is a n**i. It's a sad day in America when those who consider themselves "liberal" are the ones who oppress the truth. The Left wants the "rich" to pay ALL taxes, but they will still scream. Republicans are usually people who work their tails off and know the truth about taxes. You cannot understand anger until you work 60 hours a week for 15 years and all you have to show for it is a huge tax bill. Government is full of corruption. They could do all that on half of what they collect.

  5. the libs would scream and lose their core supporters...the lazy who want all freebies......

  6. Total Anarchy.......

    No Structure.

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