What Happens If All Taxes and the IRS are Abolished?
Many Conservatives/ Republicans have said collecting taxes is "illegal" or "UnConstitutional," but how will things be paid for? Without taxes or even with lower taxes, how will our Military be paid for?
What about our Police Departments?
Fire Departments?
Public Schools?
Maintenace of roads, highways, bridges?
Garbage collection/ Recycling?
Libraries and other publicly funded organizations?
Will we have to pay for it all out of pocket?
And if so, won't that put us all at the mercy of whatever companies would be running those various industries and charging whatever they want? For example, there is only ONE cable company in my area so I either a) don't have cable or b) am forced to pay their rates.
Isn't this a monopoly and won't that only create the potential for even MORE monopolies?
Who will benefit and who will suffer under such a system where we must pay for everything out of pocket?