
What Happens If The Manitoba Moose Want To Join The NHL?

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Since the Manitoba Moose are the Vancouver Canuck's Farm team what would happen? Would they:

a) Take all of the players that are on the moose roster and bring the team up?,

b) Draft 1 player from every team until their team is full and leave the Moose players to the Canucks untill they can find another farm team?

c) Or recieve the 1st pick in every round of the NHL draft the year they join.

If any of those happened what would happen to Vancouver's Farm team and the players on their farm team.

Also what division would the Manitoba Moose join if they were to join the NHL because then there would be 31 teams in the league and it would be unevenly divided divisions... Or would new divisions be created or altered to accomadate the change?





  1. Aren't they banned by the UCI for doping?  Again?

  2. I live in winnipeg and i really dont see this happening but if it were to happen this is how it would go down.

    The moose would become an expansion team every player on the moose would be traded to a different Ahl team (A new team would probably come along, if not they would all be put on waivers). The moose would draft and sign free agents and trade around for players that are on the nhl free agent list.

    Vancouver would recieve a new farm team. (Many ahl teams have switched what club they play for) Example the hershey bears used to be Colorado's farm team now they are washingtons.

    Probably new divisions as divisions have changed throughout the course of the Nhl, Oh and if we got an nhl team we would call them the Jets:)

  3. That would be cool, but their arena is a tad on the small side.

  4. they would be denied access to the NHL.  It will never happen so don't worry about the details.

  5. How about instead the Panthers or Coyotes are moved to Winnipeg so we can have the Jets back in the league?

    I'm a Wings fan, but I was outraged at how Winnipeg's fans were treated after all they did to keep their team in town.

  6. They will be laughed at and told to F off.

  7. That would be cool .. Chelios would have a former teammate from the Canadiens to chat it up with. (Mike Keane if anyone's forgotten)

    ps Justin promise me Shemkarov would be banned from entering the arena?

  8. They would not be able to join.

    However, the process for an expansion team would be to draft a team of players from the rosters of other teams. Each team is allowed to protect a certain number of players, and the expansion team can sign any player they draft, but if the player refuses to sign with the team they become a free agent.

    They would not be able to keep player on their roster since they are members of the Canucks Organization.

    But this would never happen. Manitoba is too small to support an NHL team, and besides, there's no promotion or relegation in the NHL and AHL. The NHL only expands by league expansion, not by teams joining. That can't happen.

    Edit: Melting media: take an econ class sometime. the Team was moved because it could not be supported there.  As in not enough population to be viable. Same with Hartford and Qubec. Give it a rest already.

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