
What Happens Next on Planet Earth ?

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What Happens Next on Planet Earth ?




  1. Astounding technological and social leaps lead to an advanced society living as one with the planet and finally planets.


    The slow demise of the global economy and industrial infrastructure leads gradually to a pre-industrial like society with a generally homogenized world-view which slowly branch of into different local societies. We stay here until Terra gets creamed by an asteroid. (in 15 million years with a big margin of error)


    Widespread global calamity with the collapse of modern industrial society. Nuclear reactors go critical, warheads and weapons decay in situ leaking poisons into the soil. Large swaths of land and sea are rendered essentially sterile. Competition for extremely limited resources leads to decades or centuries of internecine warfare for those who survive the collapse. We kill ourselves and the planet before the 'verse hits us with an extinction event.

  2. i spark a rather large joint up. kick back. and dont really care what happens next as long as a i have a big bag of sticky icky to keep me company.

  3. Thank God we really don't know; do we.

  4. The Extraterrestrials who modified our our ancestors DNA 5000 or so years ago come back and finish what they started.

  5. The world will be pushed to the brink of extinction and then and only then will we realize the precarious predicament we are in and start to make changes.  At this point it will probably be too late and we will terraform Mars or we simply become extinct and the world will carry on without us.  If you stretch your arms out and allow that to represent the history of earth you could erase mankind with a single swipe of a nail file.  We like to think we are so great and all but the truth is we are but a blink of an eye and the Earth is far too resilient to let us destroy it.  There have been multiple mass extinctions on Earth and one more will not make it uninhabitable, for humans maybe but not for life.

  6. Tremendous world flooding, as well as huge storms with multiple tornadoes, this will come as very black boiling clouds climbing to thousands of feet high, a whole coastal area or inland lake area will be wiped out. At least this is what I have seen in my dreams for years now.

  7. The crystal ball has proven to be defective, so one must rely on history to predict the future.  Humans, since the discovery of fire, both worked with & fought mother nature.  So far we have compromised only when necessary.  The technology that warmed our caves & allowed the scavenger & gatherer to become a top predator has both served us well & killed us, depending upon the situation.

    We have survived  previous periods of warming & cooling by utilizing technology when possible & compromising with mother nature when not.  I "suspect" nuclear power will be our salvation in the near term... regardless of what the shaman thinks he sees in his crystal ball.

  8. Michael Moore explodes while announcing his next propaganda film.   Several people at "ground zero" are slightly injured.   One person said the explosion was equal to 10,000 water balloons.  NBC, CBS, and ABC fail to cover it.  Rosie O'Donnell announces she is immediately going on a starvation diet.  Many express hope that she changes her mind.

  9. We either learn to live with Nature or we don't and end up like the dodo, extinct. In my opinion.

  10. In what, the next day, next week, next month, next year, next century, next millennium, next eon............

  11. i click on the answer this question button...d**n it i already did that....

  12. Christians stop ranting at one another, the sunni's and shiites make peace ,nuclear power is outlawed worldwide ,only honest politicians are elected. as an added note pigs will fly.     T4

  13. Well, in september 2 we will get some falling objects from the comet into our atmosphere (look like perseids shower), and in 2012 we should get some star dust emanating from our sun that will soak our planet into a metal rain... Other than this, nothing much... Except for some tremors there and there...

  14. Well, Lindsay, if the full history of the Earth and all species that have come and gone before us is any indication, my guess is that we will most likely destroy everything on this planet that allows us to live.  Extinction is probably inevitable.  (Planet of the Apes)  ???  The original with Charlton Heston.

    Peace, Buzzy

    Check this site out:

    If this kind of demand on world dominance continues, then the end of the story is already written.

  15. A step like that described in "Childhood's End," by arthur C. Clark, would be FASCINATING!

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