
What Happens if the cops come to your door and you do not awnser?

by  |  earlier

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What Happens if the cops come to your door and you do not awnser?




  1. Either they break down the door or come back later..

  2. They break down your door.

  3. If they don't have a warrant, then nothing.

  4. nothing

    they can knock your door down if they feel you or someone else is being threatened, they cannot knock down your door with a warrant.

  5. Depends on why they are there, if they have a warrant they can smash the door.

  6. It depends why we go to your door. You don't have to answer, but why wouldn't you. This is what we deem suspicious activity and could lead to a search warrant. Of course it depends on the situation.

  7. They will knock down your door.....

  8. Don't you ever watch cops? They get the big guy with the ram to knock it open.

  9. If they have a warrant or can justify that some one is in danger, they bust down your door.

    If they don't have a warrant or just cause, nothing at least, not until they get a warrant.

  10. if its very serious they will find a way in.... what did you do?

  11. they leave then come back.....depending on what u did.....

    but it gets annoying.....ugh

    just answer  but DO NOT LEAVE YOUR HOUSE!!  cause if u do they can take u but if u say (come back with a warrant for my arrest) they SHOULD leave u alone but its not a guarentee

  12. What they do next probably would depend on why they were there in the first place.

  13. they need a search warrant to knock ur door down. just be aware that if you have a warrant esp criminal warrant, they will find ways to get u. they might have undercover cops park close to ur home and wait till u come out and get you

  14. nothing

    at least i dont think

    unless they have a warrant for your arrest in which case they will find you haha

  15. Generally, they leave unless....

    They have what is called a no-knock warrant.  They still knock on these as a courtesy (sometimes) but if you don't respond and they have got company.

    They can also enter without a warrant if they have what's called "exigent circumstances", for example, if they hear what sounds like a person in pain or in trouble behind the door, or they smell smoke coming from inside the house.

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