
What Has the Government Ever Done for Me?

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I hear this all the time from ignorant kids and some adults.

What has our government, the US government, done for you? Our government has given you rights, privileges, opportunity and protection via a system of laws, rules and processes that are the best in the world. That’s why everyone migrates here. “Opportunity” is the greatest gift. The greatest "Right" is your right to p**s, whine and moan in lieu of taking advantage of the opportunity. Does the government provide equal opportunity? No, because it can't. Still 95% of us work and 88% of us live above the poverty level.

Yes the government could be better. That's your responsibility, since you are part of the people, and the people created the government and are responsible for maintaining it. You owe your governmnent a great debt, the least you can do is get off your sorry *** and vote!

Anyone disagree with me?




  1. They let you ask this question" A lot of other country's you could go to jail, get

    shot, or disappear. So give thanks to God

    that you live were you do.

  2. Decode this lyrics " You raised me up"

    With the Liberation of freedom for the good of mankind from after world war two with the creation of peace on earth goodwill to men.

    Ever wonder did all "The young one" all drop off from the coconut trees that make them still look green?

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    Decode this lyrics " Sacrifice"

    They make grandpa and grandma cry for raising them up with blood, sweats and tears.

    Luke 9.55-56

    What do you think?

  3. Rights don't come from the government - if they did, they could be taken by the government.  No, rights come from virtue of free-will and the inherent value of human life so they can only be surrendered by the individual.

    As to whether or not 95% of the people work, why were there only 120 million tax returns last year in a nation of about 330 million?

  4. I don't see the government has given me any rights.  More like taken some away.  What they have done is built highways, funded our military, provided police and fire protection, funded schools and try and to keep me safe.  I am very grateful for that.

  5. ask not what my country can do for me but what I can do for my country  


    our rights were given by God and are protected from the government by the constitution

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