
What Herbs Promotes Mental Clarity?

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What Herbs Promotes Clarity?

since i need metal clarity in my life and I'm big believer in the power of herbs




  1. It is not a herb but an energy medicine Australian Bush Flower Essences combination called "Cognis essence".

    use 7 drops in a bottle of water, shake and sip when learning and wanting to retain as well as wanting to recall a memory.

    "Australian Bush Flower Healing" by Ian White

    ISBN-10: 073380

    Yahoo email group discussing Australian Bush Flower Essences

  2. Kinko is great but a simple thing that many get results from are taking essential fatty acids each day and ensuring that they are drinking enough water.

    Water is free and often overlooked.  When we don't drink enough water our brains become slightly dehydrated which reduces our ability to focus so always consider this when you're feeling foggy minded or short of attention.

  3. Ginkgo Biloba is excellent for this but it can give you a headache and cause indigestion. Always take when you have eaten to lessen these effects.

    Essential oil of Rosemary is also good.  You could place 2 drops of the neat oil onto a handkerchief and inhale the vapours to make you feel more alert,  or add about 6 drops to your bath just before stepping into the water.  Only use the oil in a morning bath, it could keep you awake if you use it at nighttime.

  4. ginko biloba,panax ginseng,rhodiola rosea these are famous herbs for mental clarity.consult a herbelist before using this herbs.because some herbs have some mild adverse effect with using other pharmaceutical drugs.

  5. gingko

  6. The herb rosemary ~ crisp and clean smelling ~ is great for stimulating the brain, improving memory and mental clarity, while helping with a variety of congested respiratory tract problems, stiff muscles, coldness as well as boosting the liver and gall bladder. It is also used for improving hair and scalp health.

    Rosemary is a traditional herb for good memory, clear thinking and confidence.

    Get some organic rosemary herb from your local health food store and put 1 - 2 teaspoons full into a teapot, fill with hot water and leave to brew for 15 - 20 minutes .............. the taste is a touch bland so sweeten to taste with raw organic honey or squeeze some lemon juice into it ....... or even add another herb such as peppermint leaves to spice up the taste.

    Only organic will do though, as the teabag and commercial varieties have had so much of the goodness pulverised from them that they could never be of any therapeutic value...... besides, as the essential oils are so rich and potent still in the organic varieties, you can reuse the spent leaves by simply retopping the pot with hot water and leaving to brew for another 15 - 20 minutes.

    Please remember to drink loads of fresh filtered water too as you still need 2 - 3 litres per day of water .......  you'd be amazed at how being just a little dehydrated can affect your mood and energy levels.

    take care of you.

    peace baby


  7. There's a new energy "think" drink out that is specifically for mental clarity and increased energy and concentration.  But it doesn't have the side effects of caffeine and sugar like the other ones.  It's all natural and has green tea, herbs and amino acids.  You just add a packet to water or your favorite beverage.

    It's called Xooma's EDGE and I've tried their products before.  They are all natural organic ingredients that help balance the body's ph.

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