
What Herbs and Flowers are good for treating minor ailments such as cuts grazes allergic reactions and stings?

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What Herbs and Flowers are good for treating minor ailments such as cuts grazes allergic reactions and stings?




  1. Dock leaves are good for stings and allergic reactions.

    Camomile is good for soothing minor cuts.

    Lavender, I think, is also good for cuts, and calming people down.

  2. Plantain works great for bee stings and skin irritations. Chances are there is some in your grass...

    Comfrey is an amazing healer and is in many herbal salves you can buy.

    Both can be taken internally as well... but make sure you do your research.  

    Plantain is easy... if you get stung, bit or such grab some from your yard, chew up the leaf and put it directly on the sting or bite :)

    Hope it helps!

  3. Aloe plant works for stings, cuts, sunburns, burns and I'm sure other abrassions.

  4. bee strings= bicarbonate of soda mixed into a paste with cold water

    wasp stings= malt vinegar

    Midge bites=calamine

    small cuts=lavender oil

    to help bring out bruises= whitch hazel

    general itchy rashes=bathe with a handful of salt

    nettle stings= dock leaves rubbed in

    aching back pain=cabbage leaves soaked in cool water then wrapped in newspaper then attach to the pain.

    stomach pain=fresh mint leaves chopped add to natural yogurt

    prickly heat= rose petals ground into a paste

  5. I would stay away from that in general. Many herbs and plants can cause allergic reactions that you don't even know your allergic too

  6. tea tree oil

  7. Aloe!

  8. Aloe really helps for healing the cuts/scrapes because it helps to soothe any tissue it touches... but that's not the first thing you should use. Tea Tree Oil is one of the best topical things to use initially when you get any cuts, scrapes, stings, etc. It's an antiseptic and can help to prevent it from getting infected, so that should be your first application... then use Aloe to help it to heal quicker.

    Aloe might help with some allergic reactions, but it depends on what the allergic reaction is from. For example, if you're breaking out in hives because you ate something you're allergic to, Aloe isn't going to help stop the reaction, but it might help to calm the itching a little. Good luck!

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