
What Holistic treatment can be used for arthritis?

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What Holistic treatment can be used for arthritis?




  1. Since arthritis means inflammation of the joints you will want a natural anti-inflammatory. Ginger root is a good example of one. You can either take it by cooking it with food or drinking it in tea. I wouldn't recommend eating it by itself because of how strong the taste is. Anyways if you want to drink it as tea, just cut it up in small pieces and boil it water. you can always cool the tea down if you like since it is summer. By the way, ginger is relatively cheap and can be found at most supermarkets.

  2. Try increasing your consumption of fatty fish, such as cod, salmon and halibut on a daily basis.......... they are a great source of omega - 3 fatty acids which have antiflammatory properties. I'd also suggest you eliminate the nightshades, such as potatoes, tomatoes and eggplant from your diet as they may aggravate your condition.

    Take a B complex supplement on a daily basis ~ B5, part of that complex, has been found to be effective in reducing the pain of arthritis in some cases ........... a liquid B complex supplement will be easier for your body to assimilate ........ get one with all the B's in it ie ~ B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12 and folic acid etc.... as they work best as a group.... don't buy any of the B complex of vitamins individually but rather as a whole group unless specifically instructed to do so by a nutritionally oriented physician or naturopath.

    The B complex of vitamins is essential for healthy neural, digestive and immune system functioning and will bolster your system enormously in dealing with the everyday stresses of life.

    Take 2 fish oils capsules twice daily.

    Take extra vitamin C in a powdered form as well ~ you can get it with bioflavonoids contained therein ~ the bioflavonoids inrease the power of vitamin C 10 fold....... if you're taking lots of aspirin you're losing vitamin C.

    Recurring inflammatory conditions, such as gastroinestinal inflammation, arthritis etc.. are symptoms of having a delayed allergic reaction to foods that you are eating ....... immediate food allergies give prompt and dramatic evidence of their presence..... delayed food allergies, on the other hand, can be more subtle and difficult to recognise.......... keep a detailed food journal and record the foods you eat and how you feel throughout the day to enable you to recognise the symptoms of a delayed food allergy....... could be milk and dairy products or wheat or even the sugar contained in high sugar fruits such as oranges, apples, bananas, mangoes .

    Other symptoms of delayed food allergies are ~

    Chronically swollen glands;

    Chronic digestive problems, including the symptoms of IBS;

    Recurring infections such as sinusitis, tonsilitis, ear, respiratory, urinary and so forth;

    Difficulty losing excess weight;

    Unexplained bouts of severe fatigue after eating;

    Tendency to hold water that is not associated with the menstrual cycle;

    Dark circles under your eyes (sometimes called allergic shiners);

    Frequent stuffy nose or postnasal drip that lasts for several hours after meals; also clearing your throat frequently after eating;

    Anxiety and heart palpitations withing several hours of eating;

    Unexplained skin rashes;

    history of gallbladder disease;

    history of acne;

    history of antiobiotic use;

    Mental fogginess after eating;

    Bouts of low blood sugar;

    headaches ............... read a book called "What your Doctor May Not Tell you About IBS" by Richard N. Ash, M.D. and eliminate your symptoms and live a pain free, drug free life ..

    Ditch the milk and dairy products i say ........ many many people find it extremely hard to digest lactose contained in milk and dairy products.

    Take a calcium & vitamin D3 rich supplement perhaps in a liquid form (easiest to assimilate) to ensure you get all your calcium on a daily basis ..........  calcium needs vitamin D for effective assimilation ........ and pump up your intake of fresh fish such as salmon and tuna and leafy and green vegies & fresh fruits~ the vegies are rich in both calcium and protein and the fish are rich in magnesium (antistress mineral), protein, EFA's~ essential fatty acids which are also fantastic for lowering blood pressure,levelling out any mood or stress levels you may have and bolstering your immunity, calcium and vitamin D (the vitamin D is essential for effective calcium absorption) .

    The calcium found in vegies and fruits has a greater impact on bone health than calcium from dairy products anyways.... a study published in The Americal Journal of clinical nutrition (2002) found that a high intake of vegies and fruits has a positive impact on bone health, but dairy did not.

    Dairy products contain animal proteins, which speed the elimination of calcium from the body and make it more acidic. This can cause calcium to leach from the bones and cause problems with magnesium (essential for healthy nerve and muscle functioning and for heart health ~ known as the antistress mineral) absorption, leading to osteoporosis. In addition, we absorb only 30 percent of the calcium found in milk, compared to 40 to 70 percent of the calcium found in vegies and fruits.

    pretty disturbing actually when you consider the way the milk and dairy industry pump us with their commercials to drink more milk !!

    Cow's milk contains proteins that are difficult for humans to digest; when these undigested proteins enter the lower digestive system, they putrefy and cause digestive problems. Dairy products encourage the production of excess mucus in the body, burdening the respiratory, digestive and immune systems. Not surprisingly, when you ditch the milk and dairy people more often than not experience markedly fewer colds and sinus & respiratory infections.

    Lactose intolerance can cause acid reflux, alternating bouts of constipation & diahorrea and will also lead to a compromised digestive system thus laying the groundwork for a body which is extremely susceptible to developing nose, throat, sinus, ear, bronchial, bladder and other infections & ailments as well....... Other symptoms of lactose intolerance are mucous in the stools, bloating and cramping, digestive troubles such as constipation, belching and burping, gassiness and wet f*arting (sorry, no other way to say it), ribbony and stringy shaped bowel movements or rabbit pellet shaped movements are all symptoms of lactose intolerance. ...........

    Please also ensure that whichever supplement you decide to buy doesn't contain any lactose, wheat, yeast, gluten, preservatives or flavorings, sugar or yeast as none of these have any place in a good quality supplement anyways.

    You have only vibrant health & vitality to gain by ditching the milk and dairy products mate ............. i sincerely do wish you the very best of health & vitality ♥

    peace 2 u



  3. Acupuncture.

  4. - MicroLactin, which is superior to glucosamine.

    - Rife High-Tone frequency sessions

    - Gerson Therapy

    - Anti-inflammatories like 2000mg Omega 3, and antioxidant suplements.

  5. I have fibromyalgia and just started using a wonderful product that is endorsed by the fibromyalgia association and the arthiritis foundation.  I would love to tell you more about, please email me feelgreatenjoylife at yahoo dot com hope to hear from you!

  6. Well, there are several natural supplements that help joint health, which may remove the cause of the pain. The most popular are Microlactin, Tart Cherries, Glucosamine, Chondroitin, MSM, Hyaluronic Acid, Litozin (Danish Rose Hips), and Bromelain.

    The only thing to really watch out for is allergies. Glucosamine is typically from Shellfish and Microlactin is from milk. As long as you're not allergic to those, you should have no problem. Good luck!

  7. Reiki.

  8. Hello Harber,

    I hope you are not in too much pain from your arthritis. There are really a lot of natural remedies that are helpful with arthritis.

    There are herbs, minerals, vitamins, enzymes. There are exercises that are very helpful.

    There is a lot that that be helped just by changing your diet. The great thing about the natural remedies is that you can do away with the side effects of the drugs (like NSAIDs ).

    Since there are so many things that can help you, the best thing you can do is research the different natural remedies and dietary recommendations.

    To your health and happiness,

    Diane Ellen

  9. The best thing I know of by far for arthritis is applying DMSO to the joints.  Fish oils and other supplements kinda help, but the effects are really minor compared to what DMSO does.

    I also know of people having success with Tai Chi or Chi Gung, but that requires a lot more dedication and a good teacher.

    Hope that helps!

  10. Gently massage peanut oil into your joints.  Also drink daily an 8oz glass of warm water with 1 tsp. honey, 1 tsp vinegar in it. You will see amazing results quickly.

  11. So you are probably experiencing joint pain and inflammation? I would try an anti-inflammatory supplement. The reason I say this is because I used to have back, shoulder and neck pain (from sitting up at my desk and probably slouching). I started taking a supplement called FlexNow. It has really helped; I can go a whole day without feeling tension in my shoulders and it has given me so much relief. This supplement I am taking is all natural and no known allergies. We are considered a holistic approach to helping with joint pain and inflammation.

    Talk to your doctor about possible natural ways to help your osteoarthritis instead of going with medications. Your doctor will also be able to tell if anything else is wrong, and he can give you some recommendations :) Hope this helps.

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