
What/How do you feel about math?

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Reflections about math

Answer full heartedly and seriously please.




  1. If working with numbers comes easily to you, you will like math.

    If you have to struggle with the different forms (addition, subtraction, division, multiplication, etc), you will never feel comfortable with math.

  2. personally i love not very good at English but i try because basically that's wat i speak. i dont think of my self as a geek, but when it comes to math i can lern it very fast, english well now i might need a little help there.

  3. I'm really bad at it, but I keep pushing myself to be good at it because I need it for my carrer in the future.=(

  4. I didnt enjoy learning it wasnt easy however the challenge was very good in terms of when i mastered a topic i felt soo bright like einstein so i got a rush of sorts from it. I hated learning it but when i passed it was worth everything. It also a helpful subject in terms of it expands your knowledge and forces us to think 3 dimensionally its a necessary evil

  5. necessary,but not always fun,gives lots of headaches

  6. I was comfortable with algebra & trigonometry, not with arithmetic & geometry.

  7. Math is the universal language.  I'm an actuary, so math is my job.  I believe there are far too many poor math teachers out there, and some incredibly great ones too.  Unfortunately all it takes is one year with a bad math teacher, and you are usually sunk forever.  Math builds on itself year after year, so getting a bad teacher for one year will cripple the average student.

  8. I love maths very deeply but it's something like a one-sided love! Yes, this is a serious answer.

  9. Hi, i feel happy to see this type of question. generally it makes a wholehearted satisfy when the word maths comes anywhere this is because, i am good at maths thinks that's why i feel happy when ever i see or hear about maths. Usually i see things as per maths in most of the cases. i use to search reason or solution for a problems in real world or imaginary world in mathematically way, logically way.  i truly believe in arthimatics and logically theories. but now, for the period of days i come to some sort of  truth that only logical and mathematical relations along will not judge a things or problems. all the environmental factors also need to be considered such as people, their feelings, their happiness, our happiness, love, respect to others. only if a person can satisfy a problem along with all this constraints he is assumed to be solver. otherwise he is just a mathematicion. Be a Problem Solver always

  10. Hate it...

    Facts I'm somehow unable to grasp which in itself doesn't make sense

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