
What Hurts More Rugby Or Football?

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freaken crazy hostpital pass...




  1. From playing both sports, football hurts more with all the padding which makes you get hurt.  Rugby is an excellent contact game, getting tackled doesn't hurt but you are prone to injuries more likely.

  2. play far worst

  3. i dont know- but i play rugby and it hurts SOOOOO good!  

    its all worth the pain right?? especially the morning after while you have a hangover from a way-too-fun social.  i actually think that monday hurts more than sunday.  and then there's the everyday pain rugby has caused me from playing for 15 years and being 33 years old!  like my foot gets stuck in a weird cramped position a few times a day and i have to crack it to unstick it.  and i can't sleep on my left shoulder since i separated it last year.  

    so i dont know which hurts more- ive never played tackle american football.  (and well football/ soccer- those are fake injuries most of the time anyway! ha ha) but i know the fun of rugby and the social makes the pain of playing rugby all worth it!

  4. Rugby for sure

  5. i play both, the worst iv had in football has been a scraped knee, in rugby i have  broken the  phalanges in my right hand broken my collar bone, diclocated my shoulder, and been concust 3 times, so im guessing rugby.

  6. I played rugby and is a much more grueling game than football but the football players in my school always fight about which one is worse and when i say well we don't wear pads...what can you say to that..nothing.

  7. it would be rugby

  8. Are you kidding Rugby for sure. I've broken my nose 3 times and one broke a kids sternum. Rugby is so much more insane when it comes to pain. They normally keep an ambulance next to the feild at my high school with EMT's waiting. In football they dont.

  9. is this serious?  rugby

  10. rugby its like football just your getting beat up at the same time

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