
What I do my wife just caught me cheating?

by  |  earlier

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I was at work and my wife usually picks me up everyday... However today my wife showed up earlier than usual... I was inside the office with my secretary I thought I had locked the door... However i guess i didn't and my secretary was actually giving me oral s*x... I heard the door open and i was able to step away from my secretary however my wife was able to see closing up my pants and the secretary was cleaning her mouth... She slapped her and slapped me but left without saying a thing... I mean should i go home? should i call what should i do? I have no where else to go.




  1. if u are sorry then tell her that

    if ur not then move in w the secretary

  2.   Why dont you just man up & make your mind up with who you actually want to be with???Stop f****ing around and come clean with her,i mean your obviously not happy with her so why put her thru it.?


  3. Wow, I think you are pretty much screwed.

  4. Write a book, instead of wasting our time with these lies...

  5. This is easy. I don't think this is real. I think you are trying to just get some crazy answers and fire up all the nice Lady's that read this. So being a guy and just for the fun of it I will give you a answer. First of all you are s***w, if I was your wife I would divorce you and take you for all you have. 2nd I would go to the girlfriend and tell her I saw my husband forcing you to have s*x with him and I would have her call the police and have you arrested, Then I would have her call a good attorney and sue the the $hit out of you and the company. Then after you go to jail for a s*x crime and they are going to "love you" in jail, I would call you secretary and she and I would go to a nice place and buy a nice house with all the money you and your company got sued for.

    But that is just

  6. maybe your secretary has an extra bed you dirty prick, I nailed your wife the other day she can't get that mad.I kicked your dog aswell

  7. HAHA your a piece of $#it!!! you can go home if you want to lol but if your wife is a smart woman she won't be there!!

  8. I don't think u should go home, let ur wife cool off a bit and give her a call later on but u ****** up badly IMO and it would be stupid from her part to let u back in the house. I don't think there was anything u could've said at the time, she caught u on the act so be a man and deal with the consequences.

  9. why wouldnt u go home...if u spend the night out it will only make things worse cus ur wife will simply think that u stayed over the secretary house..which will only make things worse. go home, sleep on the couch or in a spare bedroom. just give ur wife some space and dont say anything to her..she will come to you when she is ready to talk...and allow her to be mad and upset and all that, she deserves it. but whatever u do, dont stay out!! it will only make things worse!!!

  10. you figure it out,

    no one here wants to help you.

    you cheated?

    who wants to help cheaters?

  11. I don't believe this at all.  Someone who actually experience this assinine situation wouldn't be on the web taking the time to ask others on what to do.  No to mention, someone who supposedly smart enough to have a job with a secretary, but thanks for the 2 points.

  12. Just go home and get your stuff. move into a hotel, and apoligize to your wife, and the secretary you used. obviously you didn't love your wife if you had an affair with another woman.

    I'm sorry, but you disgust me.

  13. That's funny. Find something else to do with your free time.

  14. OMGosh! Although your focus now should be on how to fix things with your wife I understand why you would consult the advice of srangers..we dont know you and your friends would probably turn their backs on you! I do dislike cheaters, especially married ones whom I can call adulterers.

    Im not sure there is a way to fix being caught in the kind of situation you're in. When a women is cheated on, it takes so much time, energy and effort to streamline back into a normal life. The pain and brokenness you experience makes you feel like your going to die. And nothing you say or do can fix that right now. Was what your secretary doing worth your marriage? Family? Life and possibly job.....?

    Your wife is probably in tears calling anyone that will listen. And she is replaying what she saw and what she didnt over and over in her head. She's analyzing every time you stepped out the house, everyday you were at work and every moment you laid with her and wondering "Is it me" ?

    I don't know why you cheated but before you do anything you need to figure that out so you wont do it again.

    If your wife is willing to work it're a lucky man but she won't trust you again for a while and will look at every women you work with as a threat!

  15. Go home and face what you did. You did it, now you have to take the "punishment" for it.

  16. You have much explaining and groveling to do, and if you want to save your marriage you're going to have to get a new secretary, either an old woman or a man.

  17. ohhh poor you....good on your wife, men like you make me sick, you deserve everything you get..just hope u have no kids involved in this.  should you go not if u have any sense..should you h** have no where else to go? maybe call the secretary who was giving you the oral s*x, see if she will put you up cos if your wife has any sense she wont do.

  18. Give her the house, pick up your clothes and the keys to the crappiest car the two of you own, leave and start over.  Stop thinking with your d**k.

  19. you disgust me. I hope she leaves you & takes you for all you are worth.

  20. That sucks. sorry about your luck

  21. get a life :|

    what is wrong with you?? oral s*x? IN AN OFFICE?

    buddy! you got yourself into this you have no choice but to get yourself out!

    don't go asking strangers to get you out of your problem :\

  22. I dont believe you!

  23. You should leave your wife so she can find a real man that will respect her, love her, and respect his marriage vows. Your wife needs someone who will treat her right, obviously that isnt you.  

  24. i think that you are a dog and need to get slapped again! dont go home if i was your wife i would have packed your bags and left them outside the fron door of your mother... but at the same time i want to  be your secretary and ruin your marriage so call me ***401****

  25. Stop watchin' Skinemax at night's dude. It's messing with your imagination.


  26. Manny is right...what are you thinking coming on here you should be knee deep in a crying apology or you should be at your secretaries place moving in your stuff..LOSER

  27. ooh u dirty dog

  28. Go get your stuff before the trash man does if she has not broke or torn it up already.  Unless you are very good at begging and then sleep with one eye open if she lets you back in.


  29. Excuse me while I have a good laugh~~~~HAahahahahhahaah

  30. Drop your pants, bend over, take it and don't even whimper.

  31. I would have beat your azz.  I wouldn't go home is I was you at least not in the house.  U better go sleep on the lawn to make sure she ain't burning or throwing out your clothes.  That's just messed up.  You got to talk to her its the only way it can get fixed.  But your lucky you only got a slap.  

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